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Adds CSS source maps to debugging builds #110

Closed ajmueller closed 9 years ago

ajmueller commented 9 years ago

This change to the build process will add CSS source maps when debugging is enabled. Due to restrictions of the gulp-sourcemaps package, there is one minor concern: both autoprefixer and combine media queries had to be moved to only execute on non-debugging builds (e.g. production). This is due to restrictions on which plugins support Gulp source maps. You'll see autoprefixer is on that list, though I was not able to get it to work properly. Let me know if you get this to work properly.

This restriction would mean that builds, particularly non-debugging builds, will need to be tested thoroughly before a release and prefix-related issues could arise with debugging builds. Despite this, I believe the pros of having access to CSS source maps far outweigh these cons.

If you'd like to test this branch, you'll probably want to take a look at how to utilize the source maps in your browser of choice:

ajmueller commented 9 years ago

For anyone who wants to embark on getting both Sass compilation and autoprefixer working with source maps, here are the things I've tried to no avail:

Overall I don't think we are at much of a disadvantage by adding prefixes and combining media queries on only non-debugging builds, but as noted above it will make testing those builds even more important.