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Z-Index Map and Function #141

Closed ajmueller closed 9 years ago

ajmueller commented 9 years ago

On recent projects, we've begun to use a z-index map and function. Something like this for the map:

$z-index: (
    hidden: -100,
    base: 1,
    content: 10,
    nav: 50,
    modal: 100,
    tooltip: 1000,
    fancy: 8000

And this for the function:

@function z($z, $options: ()) {
    $options: map-merge((
        zMap: $z-index
    ), $options);

    $zMap: map-get($options, zMap);

    // check $icon exists in $iconMap
    @if map-has-key($zMap, $z) {
        $z: map-get($zMap, $z);
    @else {
        @warn "The z-index `#{$z}` is not a key in your z-index map.";
        @return null;

    @return $z;
stoff commented 9 years ago

um. fancy ftw.

ajmueller commented 9 years ago

We had that for Fancybox, but instead I changed it to "modal" for the final implementation: