connectomicslab / connectomemapper3

Connectome Mapper 3 is a BIDS App that implements full anatomical, diffusion, resting/state functional MRI, and recently EEG processing pipelines, from raw T1 / DWI / BOLD , and preprocessed EEG data to multi-resolution brain parcellation with corresponding connection matrices.
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Singularity Issues with CMP v3.0.0-RC1 #47

Closed smeisler closed 3 years ago

smeisler commented 3 years ago


I built a singularity image of CMP3 from the latest Docker file. When I try to run the file I am met with the following error: COMMAND singularity run -e -B /om4 /om2/user/smeisler/connectomemapper.img --bids_dir /om/project/PARC/BIDS/data --output_dir /om/project/PARC/BIDS/derivatives --participant_label sub-ABCD1702 --anat_pipeline_config /om/project/PARC/BIDS/data/code/ref_anatomical_config.ini --func_pipeline_config /om/project/PARC/BIDS/data/code/ref_fMRI_config.ini --dwi_pipeline /om/project/PARC/BIDS/data/code/ref_diffusion_config.ini --fs_license /om4/group/gablab/dti_proc/license.txt

ERROR id: '\\': no such user id: '\\': no such user /.singularity.d/actions/run: 29: export: /om/project/PARC/BIDS/data: bad variable name

However, when I open the /.singularity.d/actions/run for the CMP container, I only see 23 lines, so I can't seem to find which script is being executed or how to fix it.

Do you know how I may fix this problem?

Thanks, Steven

smeisler commented 3 years ago

I realized I tried building the image with Singularity directly. I am now trying the recommended docker2singularity method and will close the issue if this solves the problem.

smeisler commented 3 years ago

With this method, I now have an error when trying to enter a singularity shell, let alone using singularity exec or run.

/.singularity.d/actions/exec: 28: export: 0: bad variable name

Any idea of how I may fix this?

sebastientourbier commented 3 years ago

Hi Steven,

By looking at the command you used to execute the singularity container, I can see you are missing mounting/binding your local directory (bids_dir and output_dir) into the container i.e.

singularity run --bind /om/project/PARC/BIDS/data:/bids_dir --bind /om/project/PARC/BIDS/derivatives:/output_dir \
/om2/user/smeisler/connectomemapper.img \
/bids_dir /output_dir participant --participant_label sub-ABCD1702 \
--anat_pipeline_config /bids_dir/code/ref_anatomical_config.ini \
--func_pipeline_config /bids_dir/code/ref_fMRI_config.ini \
--dwi_pipeline /bids_dir/code/ref_diffusion_config.ini \
--fs_license /bids_dir/code/license.txt

Note that all paths are then relative to the folder binded inside the container. Also I would recommend you to put the freesurfer license.txt into /om/project/PARC/BIDS/data/code folder.

Let me know if it works.

Best Sebastien

smeisler commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the reply Sebastien. Unfortunately, this does not seem to work, as I still get a similar error.

id: \\\\\smeisler\\\\: no such user
id: \\\\\smeisler\\\: no such user
/.singularity.d/actions/run: 29: export: /output_dir: bad variable name

I am using Singularity version 3.5.1-rc.1+103-g1a8ec23 as it is the most recent version on the HPC I use. Do you think a newer version wouldn't produce this error?

sebastientourbier commented 3 years ago

Singularity 3.5.1 should not be a problem as the cluster on which I am running CMP3 has the same version installed. It seems something related more the way the singularity image is built. Here is the way I exactly built my image:

mkdir -p /home/localadmin/Softwares/singularity/images
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /home/localadmin/Softwares/singularity/images/:/output \
--privileged -t --rm singularityware/docker2singularity \
--name cmp-v3.0.0-RC1.simg sebastientourbier/connectomemapper-bidsapp:v3.0.0-RC1
sebastientourbier commented 3 years ago

Wanted to add: It seems someone had a similar error here when building with Singularity directly that was not occuring when using docker2singularity

smeisler commented 3 years ago

I will try rebuilding the image now and will update when I know more, thanks!

smeisler commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, I still have an issue. I followed your code, besides changing the output directory of the container.

TEST singularity shell ~/Downloads/test/cmp-v3.0.0-RC1.simg ERROR /.singularity.d/actions/shell: 28: export: 0: bad variable name

I'll get the same error regardless of the singularity command (shell, exec, run, etc), as long as I reference that container. This was true both on my local machine where I generated the container and the HPC where our MR data are stored.

smeisler commented 3 years ago

I built the singularity image as a sandbox with the singularity build --sandbox option. Here I was able to go into the singularity.d folder and try to debug there.

The problem appears to be in the file /singularity.d/env/ (around lines 28-29)

export content=${content:-"#! /bin/bash\\\\necho User: \\$(id -un \\$USER) && echo Group: \\$(id -gn \\$USER) && . \\\"/opt/fsl/etc/fslconf/\\\" && . activate \\\"py37cmp-core\\\" && xvfb-run -s \\\"-screen 0 900x900x24 -ac +extension GLX -noreset\\\" -a python /app/connectomemapper3/ \\$@"}
export content_cov=${content_cov:-"#! /bin/bash\\\\necho User: \\$(id -un \\$USER) && echo Group: \\$(id -gn \\$USER) && . \\\"/opt/fsl/etc/fslconf/\\\" && . activate \\\"py37cmp-core\\\" && xvfb-run -s \\\"-screen 0 900x900x24 -ac +extension GLX -noreset\\\" -a coverage run --source=cmp,cmtklib --omit=*/bidsappmanager/*,*/viz/* /app/connectomemapper3/ \\$@ |& tee /bids_dir/code/log.txt && coverage html -d /bids_dir/code/coverage_html && coverage xml -o /bids_dir/code/coverage.xml && coverage json -o /bids_dir/code/coverage.json"}

Following the response in the similar issue you linked, I changed those lines to the following:

content=${content:-"#! /bin/bash\\\\necho User: \\$(id -un \\$USER) && echo Group: \\$(id -gn \\$USER) && . \\\"/opt/fsl/etc/fslconf/\\\" && . activate \\\"py37cmp-core\\\" && xvfb-run -s \\\"-screen 0 900x900x24 -ac +extension GLX -noreset\\\" -a python /app/connectomemapper3/ \\$@"}
export content
content_cov=${content_cov:-"#! /bin/bash\\\\necho User: \\$(id -un \\$USER) && echo Group: \\$(id -gn \\$USER) && . \\\"/opt/fsl/etc/fslconf/\\\" && . activate \\\"py37cmp-core\\\" && xvfb-run -s \\\"-screen 0 900x900x24 -ac +extension GLX -noreset\\\" -a coverage run --source=cmp,cmtklib --omit=*/bidsappmanager/*,*/viz/* /app/connectomemapper3/ \\$@ |& tee /bids_dir/code/log.txt && coverage html -d /bids_dir/code/coverage_html && coverage xml -o /bids_dir/code/coverage.xml && coverage json -o /bids_dir/code/coverage.json"}

That is, I made the declaration and export statements in separate lines. To be safe, I did with all of the statements in this file, and made sure there were no other statements like this in the /singularity.d/env/ folder. I also removed the shebang (#!/bin/sh) from the top.

Now it looks like it is beginning to run. I can update again when the pipeline finishes (hopefully) or crashes. Interestingly, when I run it in terminal, I get a nipype log detailing what is happening, but when I submit a job with slurm/sbatch, the slurm-out file does not update.

If this works, maybe I can send you the copy of the .sh file or the whole singularity image, in case it may help others!

smeisler commented 3 years ago

I don't know enough about the production of containers, let alone the transition with docker2singularity, but hopefully this is something that can be fixed on your end (that is, it is not a problem with docker2singularity)

sebastientourbier commented 3 years ago

Thanks @smeisler for having investigating this and great to hear you managed to make it run! Yes it sounds like to fix it on my end, I should review the export statements for the creation of the entrypoint scripts in the Dockerfile used to build the Docker i.e. This should be then reflected in the Singularity image that will be built from. I will investigate a way to fix this at this level that I expect to include in the upcoming next release candidate. Once I find a correct way to create the content of these files, I will also update the Docker image for RC1 on Dockerhub.

smeisler commented 3 years ago

Great, and as an update from my end, it looked like everything ran to completion without a problem!