import { createPromiseClient } from "@connectrpc/connect";
import { createConnectTransport } from "@connectrpc/connect-web";
import { UserController } from './proto/js/sample_back/user_connect'
import { UserListRequest } from './proto/js/sample_back/user_pb'
// This transport is going to be used throughout the app
const transport = createConnectTransport({
baseUrl: "http://localhost:20251",
async function user_list_test(auth) {
const request = new UserListRequest();
const headers = new Headers();
const promiseClient = createPromiseClient(UserController, transport);
headers.set("Headers", JSON.stringify(
"Authorization": `Bearer ${auth.userData.access_token}`
const res = await promiseClient.list(
headers: headers
Hello, I am trying to migrate my project on buf connect and I have the following error in my browser console.
My grpc framework is based on django and My envoy layer is up to 1.26
Below my front use case:
Bellow the browser error:
Bellow my envoy.yaml:
The only envoy log I have:
Any help on this issue ?
Best regards, Max