connercsbn / SimpleAdmin

11 stars 2 forks source link

Change maps. #5

Closed Geant200 closed 1 month ago

Geant200 commented 1 month ago

Hello, I have completed the plugin configuration files. I can clearly see the map in the menu when I type the !maps command but when I validate the map which comes from the Workshop, it does not launch?.

Workshop map Assembly

Plugin liste. counterstrikesharp metamod CS2-CustomVotes CS2-SimpleAdmin CS2-Tags GameModeManager Map_Configs_Prefix RockTheVote

Maps Liste maplist.txt csgo\addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/RockTheVote/maplist.txt

//Put your map list here

Configuration GameModeManager csgo\addons\counterstrikesharp\configs\plugins\GameModeManager

// This configuration was automatically generated by CounterStrikeSharp for plugin 'GameModeManager', at 2024/06/15 09:50:05
  "Version": 3,
  "RTV": {
    "Enabled": false,
    "Plugin": "addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/RockTheVote/RockTheVote.dll",
    "MapListFile": "addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/RockTheVote/maplist.txt",
    "DefaultMapFormat": false
  "MapGroup": {
    "Delay": 2,
    "Default": "mg_10Mans",
    "DefaultMap": "de_dust2",
    "Style": "center",
    "File": "gamemodes_server.txt"
  "Settings": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Folder": "settings",
    "Style": "center"
  "GameMode": {
    "Rotation": true,
    "Interval": 4,
    "Delay": 2,
    "Style": "center",
    "ListEnabled": true,
    "List": {
      "comp": "Competitive",
      "1v1": "1 vs 1",
      "aim": "Aim",
      "awp": "AWP Only",
      "scoutzknivez": "ScoutzKnives",
      "wingman": "Wingman",
      "gungame": "Gun Game",
      "surf": "Surf",
      "dm": "Deathmatch",
      "dm-multicfg": "Deathmatch Multicfg",
      "course": "Course",
      "hns": "Hide N Seek",
      "kz": "Kreedz",
      "minigames": "Mini Games"
  "Votes": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Map": true,
    "GameMode": false,
    "GameSetting": false,
    "Style": "center"
  "ConfigVersion": 3

CS2-SimpleAdmin \csgo\addons\counterstrikesharp\configs\plugins\CS2-SimpleAdmin

// This configuration was automatically generated by CounterStrikeSharp for plugin 'CS2-SimpleAdmin', at 2024/06/17 03:55:17
  "ConfigVersion": 15,
  "DatabaseHost": "localhost",
  "DatabasePort": 3306,
  "DatabaseUser": "cs********n",
  "DatabasePassword": "Aj*******c",
  "DatabaseName": "cs********n",
  "EnableMetrics": true,
  "EnableUpdateCheck": true,
  "ReloadAdminsEveryMapChange": false,
  "UseChatMenu": false,
  "KickTime": 5,
  "DisableDangerousCommands": true,
  "BanType": 1,
  "TimeMode": 1,
  "MaxBanDuration": 10080,
  "MultiServerMode": true,
  "ExpireOldIpBans": 0,
  "TeamSwitchType": 1,
  "Discord": {
    "DiscordLogWebhook": "",
    "DiscordPenaltyWebhook": ""
  "DefaultMaps": [
  "WorkshopMaps": ["assembly"],
  "CustomServerCommands": [],
  "MenuConfig": {
    "Durations": [
        "name": "1 minute",
        "duration": 1
        "name": "5 minutes",
        "duration": 5
        "name": "15 minutes",
        "duration": 15
        "name": "1 hour",
        "duration": 60
        "name": "1 day",
        "duration": 1440
        "name": "7 days",
        "duration": 10080
        "name": "14 days",
        "duration": 20160
        "name": "30 days",
        "duration": 43200
        "name": "Permanent",
        "duration": 0
    "BanReasons": [
      "Voice Abuse",
      "Chat Abuse",
      "Admin disrespect",
    "KickReasons": [
      "Voice Abuse",
      "Chat Abuse",
      "Admin disrespect",
    "MuteReasons": [
      "Spectator camera abuse",
      "Admin disrespect",
    "AdminFlags": [
        "name": "Generic",
        "flag": "@css/generic"
        "name": "Chat",
        "flag": "@css/chat"
        "name": "Change Map",
        "flag": "@css/changemap"
        "name": "Slay",
        "flag": "@css/slay"
        "name": "Kick",
        "flag": "@css/kick"
        "name": "Ban",
        "flag": "@css/ban"
        "name": "Perm Ban",
        "flag": "@css/permban"
        "name": "Unban",
        "flag": "@css/unban"
        "name": "Show IP",
        "flag": "@css/showip"
        "name": "Cvar",
        "flag": "@css/cvar"
        "name": "Rcon",
        "flag": "@css/rcon"
        "name": "Root (all flags)",
        "flag": "@css/root"

RockTheVote \csgo\addons\counterstrikesharp\configs\plugins\RockTheVote

// This configuration was automatically generated by CounterStrikeSharp for plugin 'RockTheVote', at 2024/04/05 02:16:26
  "Version": 9,
  "Rtv": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "EnabledInWarmup": true,
    "NominationEnabled": true,
    "MinPlayers": 0,
    "MinRounds": 0,
    "ChangeMapImmediatly": false,
    "HideHudAfterVote": true,
    "MapsToShow": 6,
    "VoteDuration": 30,
    "VotePercentage": 60,
    "HudMenu": true
  "Votemap": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "VotePercentage": 60,
    "ChangeMapImmediatly": false,
    "EnabledInWarmup": true,
    "MinPlayers": 0,
    "MinRounds": 0,
    "HudMenu": false
  "EndOfMapVote": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "MapsToShow": 6,
    "HudMenu": true,
    "ChangeMapImmediatly": false,
    "VoteDuration": 30,
    "HideHudAfterVote": true,
    "TriggerSecondsBeforeEnd": 120,
    "TriggerRoundsBeforEnd": 2,
    "DelayToChangeInTheEnd": 6
  "Timeleft": {
    "ShowToAll": false
  "Nextmap": {
    "ShowToAll": false
  "MapsInCoolDown": 0

Can you help me? I thank you in advance.

connercsbn commented 1 month ago

Here's the repo you're looking for Sorry for the confusion!

Geant200 commented 1 month ago

I have already installed the plugin but when I type the !admin command it shows me the list of maps and when I validate my choice of Assembly maps my choice is validate but the server does not change the map.