connormanning / ept-tools

Entwine Point Tile point cloud utilities
MIT License
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ept serve --root not use #17

Closed moshangyeyu closed 3 years ago

moshangyeyu commented 3 years ago

now in v0.0.8,when i input ept serve -- root D:\annotation_data\data_management\test\ept\red-rocks,i get Arguments root and roots are mutually exclusive Options: --version Show version number [boolean] --help Show help [boolean] --root EPT project directory to serve [string] --roots Allowed endpoint roots - "" for anything [array] [default: [""]] -p, --port Server port [number] [default: 3000] --origins Access-Control-Allow-Origin list [array] [default: ["*"]] --keyfile SSL key file [string] --certfile SSL cert file [string] --cafile SSL CA file [string]

when i input ept serve -- roots D:\annotation_data\data_management\test\ept,i don't know how to visit tileset.json or ept.json when i visit http://localhost:3000/red-rocks/ept-tileset/tileset.json, i get {"message":"Missing required \"ept\" parameter"} ept serve --help It's not the same as the document description,your docment like this, not have roots ept serve --help

Serve 3D Tiles on the fly from EPT resources

Options: --version Show version number [boolean] --help Show help [boolean] --root EPT project directory to serve [string] [default: "."] -p, --port Server port [number] [default: 3000] --origins Access-Control-Allow-Origin list [string] [default: "*"] --keyfile SSL key file [string] --certfile SSL cert file [string] --cafile SSL CA file [string] what shoud i do,thank you

arruga commented 3 years ago

Thank you Connor Manning for this tool.

I think I have the same problem with ept serve.

I have an entwine forder with a few Entwine point clouds in subfolders: red-rocks, lidardat1, tarragona_centre...

Option -root seems not working. I also get "Arguments root and roots are mutually exclusive"

When I run ept serve -roots "/dades/entwine" the server seems to start properly. It answers: Roots: [ '/dades/entwine' ] Port: 3000 Allowed origins: *

But from my application I receive a return code 400 to the GET request. RequestErrorEvent {statusCode: 400, response: "{\"message\":\"Missing required \\"ept\\" parameter\"}", responseHeaders: {…}} response: "{\"message\":\"Missing required \\"ept\\" parameter\"}" responseHeaders: {content-length: "48", content-type: "application/json; charset=utf-8"} statusCode: 400 proto: Object My Cesium call is: Cesium.Cesium3DTileset({ url : "", })

I have been able to translate my tarragona_centre Entwine point cloud to a 3DTiles point cloud with ept tile using the --truncate parameter and the application works nicely after adapting the url.

connormanning commented 3 years ago

Hey - sorry I missed this issue. Please see updated information here from the new release 0.0.10 and give it another shot after upgrading. Please re-open this issue or feel free to make a new one if there are any problems. The URLs look a little bit different now, note that there is an ept query parameter which selects the proper EPT dataset to be converted.