I have a little trouble with integer datatype. It is not correctly processed in add_new_cols procedure. The corresponding column in audit table is then added as number(), without presicion and scale.
Then, if i call generate_audit_support procedure for the second time, in add_new_cols procedure there is a mismatch in section existing columns (try to issue a MODIFY, eg increase size etc), number datatype.
Condition in audit_util package, line 469 (from begin of package body, last version of your library)
if nvl(cols.data_precision,-1) = nvl(cols.aud_data_precision,-1) and
nvl(cols.data_scale,-1) = nvl(cols.aud_data_scale,-1)
is not met and exception is thrown.
Because integer has precision null and scale 0, but number() has precision null and scale null, as it is seen in select
select c.column_name,
a.data_type aud_data_type,
a.data_precision aud_data_precision,
a.data_scale aud_data_scale,
a.data_type_owner aud_data_type_owner,
a.data_length aud_data_length
from ( select *
from all_tab_columns
where owner = p_owner
and table_name = p_table_name ) c,
( select *
from all_tab_columns
where owner = g_aud_schema
and table_name = l_audit_table_name ) a
where c.column_name = a.column_name(+)
order by c.column_id
There are further synonyms to number, like smallint :)
I have oracle 12.2.
I have a little trouble with integer datatype. It is not correctly processed in add_new_cols procedure. The corresponding column in audit table is then added as number(), without presicion and scale.
Then, if i call generate_audit_support procedure for the second time, in add_new_cols procedure there is a mismatch in section existing columns (try to issue a MODIFY, eg increase size etc), number datatype.
Condition in audit_util package, line 469 (from begin of package body, last version of your library)
is not met and exception is thrown.
Because integer has precision null and scale 0, but number() has precision null and scale null, as it is seen in select
There are further synonyms to number, like smallint :)