connors / photon

The fastest way to build beautiful Electron apps using simple HTML and CSS
MIT License
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Create a separate repository for css framework? #118

Open lazytyper opened 7 years ago

lazytyper commented 7 years ago

I really recommend to create an own repository for the (s)css resources + fonts, and make it installable via npm and bower.

As it is now, you have to update the files manually, if there is a newer version.

joeljuca commented 7 years ago

Hi, @eschmid72.

I agree with you. However, to bypass this issue I'm using the Git address syntax for package.json dependencies:

  "dependencies": {
    "photon": ""

Check the npm docs for more info about it.

joeljuca commented 7 years ago

This specific SHA points to the v0.1.2 commit

joeljuca commented 7 years ago

@connors do you have plans to publish Photon on npm?

janstieler commented 7 years ago

Hi, I would also prefer if I could install it as NPM module.


holywyvern commented 7 years ago

Guys, please, use npm i -s connors/photon... Or fork it and publish it yourself I guess... This project is kinda dead