connors / photon

The fastest way to build beautiful Electron apps using simple HTML and CSS
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kq_init error on demo start #141

Closed lacymorrow closed 6 years ago

lacymorrow commented 6 years ago


╰─± npm start                                        [▶▶▶▷▷▷▷▷▷▷]

> photon@0.1.2 start /Volumes/Delta/delta-repo/photon
> electron dist/template-app

App threw an error when running [SyntaxError: Unexpected token {]
[warn] kq_init: detected broken kqueue; not using.: Undefined error: 0
[warn] kq_init: detected broken kqueue; not using.: Undefined error: 0
[warn] kq_init: detected broken kqueue; not using.: Undefined error: 0
[warn] kq_init: detected broken kqueue; not using.: Undefined error: 0
anditakaesar commented 6 years ago

This is perhaps a syntax error

Unexpected token {]

But this project is long remain unupdated.

lacymorrow commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the heads up @anditakaesar, i'll take another look. Cheers ++