connorshea / vscode-ruby-test-adapter

A Ruby test adapter extension for the VS Code Test Explorer
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Running a single test / single test file fails if the test file’s path contains spaces #41

Closed noniq closed 4 years ago

noniq commented 4 years ago

Your environment

Expected behavior

Running a single test / single test file works.

Actual behavior

Running a single test / single test file fails if the test file’s path contains spaces.


When constructing the command for running a single test, the test file’s path is not escaped, see

A quick workaround is to add quotes around ${testLocation} like this:

 let testCommand = `${this.getTestCommand()} --require ${this.getCustomFormatterLocation()} --format CustomFormatter "${testLocation}"`;

The proper fix would be to use shell escaping for all the arguments (including the test comannd and the formatter location).

Running a single test file suffers from the same issue, see