connorshea / vscode-ruby-test-adapter

A Ruby test adapter extension for the VS Code Test Explorer
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SimpleCov rspec output breaks test detection #48

Open maxlorenz opened 4 years ago

maxlorenz commented 4 years ago

Your environment

Expected behavior

With SimpleCov enabled, the extension should detect the specs

Actual behavior

The spec detection step fails silently. SimpleCov adds a few lines after the dry-run output, which may cause this behavior. Disabling the coverage report fixes it at least

connorshea commented 3 years ago

Could you give more information on how exactly SimpleCov is configured and what it's printing out? I've got two projects with SimpleCov enabled but neither has this problem.

pbnj commented 3 years ago

I'm running into a similar issue.

The Ruby Test Explorer Log shows the following error:

[2020-12-16 23:43:45.196] [INFO] Running dry-run of RSpec test suite with the following command: bundle exec rspec --pattern './spec/**/*_test.rb,./spec/**/test_*.rb,./spec/**/*_spec.rb' --require /Users/pbenjamin/.vscode/extensions/connorshea.vscode-ruby-test-adapter-0.8.0/custom_formatter.rb --format CustomFormatter --order defined --dry-run

[2020-12-16 23:43:45.216] [ERROR] Error while finding RSpec test suite: Command failed: bundle exec rspec --pattern './spec/**/*_test.rb,./spec/**/test_*.rb,./spec/**/*_spec.rb' --require /Users/pbenjamin/.vscode/extensions/connorshea.vscode-ruby-test-adapter-0.8.0/custom_formatter.rb --format CustomFormatter --order defined --dry-run

env: ruby_executable_hooks: No such file or directory

When I run the command manually:

$ bundle exec rspec --pattern './spec/**/*_test.rb,./spec/**/test_*.rb,./spec/**/*_spec.rb' --require /Users/pbenjamin/.vscode/extensions/connorshea.vscode-ruby-test-adapter-0.8.0/custom_formatter.rb --format CustomFormatter --order defined --dry-run

Name                                                                                                           | Status | Time    |
START_OF_TEST_JSON{"version":"3.9.2","messages":[ <REDACTED> ],"examples":[],"summary":{"duration":5.7e-05,"example_count":0,"failure_count":0,"pending_count":0,"errors_outside_of_examples_count":2},"summary_line":"0 examples, 0 failures, 2 errors occurred outside of examples"}END_OF_TEST_JSON
Coverage report generated for RSpec to <REDACTED>/coverage/coverage.xml
Coverage report generated for RSpec to <REDACTED>/coverage. 686 / 3366 LOC (20.38%) covered.
SimpleCov failed with exit 1
maxlorenz commented 3 years ago

@pbnj I remember that I patched it by restricting the input to the first line of output of bundle. Was a one line change

pbnj commented 3 years ago

@maxlorenz - do you happen to have more information about this patch? Did you patch the vscode extension or did you patch some project configuration file?

maxlorenz commented 3 years ago

I patched the json reading function of the extension itself to only read the first line

nicolaseckhart commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue. When configuring SimpleCov to fail when below minimum coverage, the test detection fails for me due to low coverage.

# .simplecov

SimpleCov.start 'rails' do
  add_filter 'app/jobs/application_job.rb'
  add_filter 'app/models/application_record.rb'
  add_filter 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb'
SimpleCov.minimum_coverage 100

The above config produces the following error on launch:

[2021-02-08 13:32:47.387] [ERROR] Error while finding RSpec test suite: Command failed: bundle exec rspec --pattern './spec//**/*_test.rb,./spec//**/test_*.rb,./spec//**/*_spec.rb' --require /home/me/.vscode-server/extensions/connorshea.vscode-ruby-test-adapter-0.8.0/custom_formatter.rb --format CustomFormatter --order defined --dry-run
Line coverage (47.36%) is below the expected minimum coverage (100.00%).
SimpleCov failed with exit 2 due to a coverage related error
simmerz commented 2 years ago

We have a working solution until this gets resolved here.

First, we already don't auto-include simplecov, so gemfile contains gem "simplecov", require: false.

Then we add the following line to the top of our rails_helper.rb (could be spec_helper.rb if not using Rails):

require 'simplecov' unless ARGV.include?('--dry-run')

Which stops simplecov being included at all while the extension looks for the list of tests.