connorshea / vscode-ruby-test-adapter

A Ruby test adapter extension for the VS Code Test Explorer
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Unable to debug specs #58

Open cec opened 3 years ago

cec commented 3 years ago

Your environment

Expected behavior

Selecting a rspec example group from the test explorer panel and clicking the debug icon should run the example group with debugging enabled.

Actual behavior

I get an popup with the error:

Error while debugging test: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
Source: Test Explorer UI (Exension)

In the output panel, if I select Ruby Test Explorer Log I see the following when trying to debug geolocation_utils_spec.rb

[2020-11-23 09:02:23.505] [INFO] Debugging test(s) ["./spec/lib/geolocation_utils_spec.rb"] of /home/cec/core/ruby-projects/agendalugano
[2020-11-23 09:02:23.505] [INFO] Running Ruby tests ["./spec/lib/geolocation_utils_spec.rb"]
[2020-11-23 09:02:23.506] [INFO] Starting the debug session
[2020-11-23 09:02:23.506] [INFO] Running test file: /home/cec/core/ruby-projects/agendalugano/spec/lib/geolocation_utils_spec.rb
[2020-11-23 09:02:23.506] [INFO] Running command: rdebug-ide --host --port 1234 -- $EXT_DIR/debug_rspec.rb --require /home/cec/.vscode-server/extensions/connorshea.vscode-ruby-test-adapter-0.8.0/custom_formatter.rb --format CustomFormatter '/home/cec/core/ruby-projects/agendalugano/spec/lib/geolocation_utils_spec.rb'
[2020-11-23 09:02:23.990] [DEBUG] [CHILD PROCESS OUTPUT] Fast Debugger (ruby-debug-ide 0.7.2, debase, file filtering is supported) listens on
[2020-11-23 09:02:24.368] [DEBUG] [CHILD PROCESS OUTPUT] Uncaught exception: cannot load such file -- /debug_rspec.rb
[2020-11-23 09:02:24.368] [DEBUG] [CHILD PROCESS OUTPUT]    /home/cec/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8@agenda/bin/rdebug-ide:23:in `load'
[2020-11-23 09:02:24.368] [DEBUG] [CHILD PROCESS OUTPUT]    /home/cec/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8@agenda/bin/rdebug-ide:23:in `<main>'
[2020-11-23 09:02:24.368] [DEBUG] [CHILD PROCESS OUTPUT]    /home/cec/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8@agenda/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:24:in `eval'
[2020-11-23 09:02:24.368] [DEBUG] [CHILD PROCESS OUTPUT]    /home/cec/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8@agenda/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:24:in `<main>'
[2020-11-23 09:02:24.368] [DEBUG] [CHILD PROCESS OUTPUT] /home/cec/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8@agenda/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.7.2/lib/ruby-debug-ide.rb:106:in `debug_load': cannot load such file -- /debug_rspec.rb (LoadError)
[2020-11-23 09:02:24.368] [DEBUG] [CHILD PROCESS OUTPUT]    from /home/cec/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8@agenda/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.7.2/lib/ruby-debug-ide.rb:106:in `debug_program'
[2020-11-23 09:02:24.368] [DEBUG] [CHILD PROCESS OUTPUT]    from /home/cec/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8@agenda/gems/ruby-debug-ide-0.7.2/bin/rdebug-ide:193:in `<top (required)>'
[2020-11-23 09:02:24.368] [DEBUG] [CHILD PROCESS OUTPUT]    from /home/cec/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8@agenda/bin/rdebug-ide:23:in `load'
[2020-11-23 09:02:24.368] [DEBUG] [CHILD PROCESS OUTPUT]    from /home/cec/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8@agenda/bin/rdebug-ide:23:in `<main>'
[2020-11-23 09:02:24.368] [DEBUG] [CHILD PROCESS OUTPUT]    from /home/cec/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8@agenda/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:24:in `eval'
[2020-11-23 09:02:24.368] [DEBUG] [CHILD PROCESS OUTPUT]    from /home/cec/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.8@agenda/bin/ruby_executable_hooks:24:in `<main>'
[2020-11-23 09:02:24.372] [INFO] Child process has exited. Sending test run finish event.
[2020-11-23 09:02:24.403] [DEBUG] Parsing the below JSON:
[2020-11-23 09:02:24.403] [DEBUG] 
[2020-11-23 09:02:25.047] [INFO] Debug session ended
[2020-11-23 09:02:25.047] [INFO] Killing currently-running tests.

I apologize in advance if this is a stupid setup mistake on my end, but I'm new to VS Code as a IDE, since before I could work on a linux desktop and I used RubyMine.

This extensions is absolutely amazing! I can't thank you enough for it.

dominikplsek commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue. Here's a log from the Developer Tools if that's any help:

notificationsAlerts.ts:40 Error while debugging test: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
onDidChangeNotification @ breadcrumbsModel.ts:39
(anonymous) @ breadcrumbsModel.ts:39
fire @ event.ts:584
addNotification @ notifications.ts:204
notify @ notificationService.ts:88
(anonymous) @ mainThreadLogService.ts:16
_showMessage @ mainThreadLogService.ts:16
$showMessage @ mainThreadLogService.ts:16
_doInvokeHandler @ rpcProtocol.ts:365
_invokeHandler @ rpcProtocol.ts:365
_receiveRequest @ rpcProtocol.ts:306
_receiveOneMessage @ rpcProtocol.ts:174
(anonymous) @ rpcProtocol.ts:105
fire @ event.ts:584
fire @
_receiveMessage @
(anonymous) @
fire @ event.ts:584
acceptChunk @
(anonymous) @
t @
emit @ events.js:223
addChunk @ _stream_readable.js:309
readableAddChunk @ _stream_readable.js:290
Readable.push @ _stream_readable.js:224
onStreamRead @ internal/stream_base_commons.js:181
wtaysom commented 3 years ago

Can add that I have the same issue using Minitest instead of RSpec.

wtaysom commented 3 years ago

But then it went away presumably from auto-updates.

StefanoDeVuono commented 3 years ago

~It's back!~

~Does anyone have specific instructions on how to debug the extension? I'd be happy to dig into this.~

Nevermind, there was already a server running on port 1234.

killall ruby

does the trick. And

lsof -i :1234

will find what's using that port on a Mac (or Linux, I think)

connorshea commented 3 years ago

@StefanoDeVuono the Contributing section should have everything you need, I think:

tmlane commented 2 years ago

I have this issue as well, with rspec

exocode commented 2 years ago

I've the same problem. How can I solve that?

"SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input"

I use the ruby "debug". It only appears when using all tests in a file single tests are working fine

JordanAtDown commented 2 years ago

The problem appear in this function getDebugCommand(debuggerConfig: vscode.DebugConfiguration, args: string) in this specific line -- ${process.platform == 'win32' ? '%EXT_DIR%' : '$EXT_DIR'}/debug_rspec.rb ${args} debug_rspec.rb is not the right file to run. You must find the correct file to run.

jimjh commented 2 years ago

Setting "rubyTestExplorer.debugCommand": "bundle exec rdebug-ide" resolved this issue for me.

navels commented 1 year ago

I will try to make a PR but I don't have the bandwidth at the moment. Fix is to change this:


  runTestFile = async (testFile: string, debuggerConfig?: vscode.DebugConfiguration) => new Promise<string>(async (resolve, reject) => {`Running test file: ${testFile}`);
    const spawnArgs: childProcess.SpawnOptions = {
      cwd: this.workspace.uri.fsPath,
      shell: true


  runTestFile = async (testFile: string, debuggerConfig?: vscode.DebugConfiguration) => new Promise<string>(async (resolve, reject) => {`Running test file: ${testFile}`);
    const spawnArgs: childProcess.SpawnOptions = {
      cwd: this.workspace.uri.fsPath,
      shell: true,