connortechnology / ZoneMinder

ZoneMinder is a free, open source Closed-circuit television software application developed for Linux which supports IP, USB and Analog cameras.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Storageareas 1.31.7 - Multiselect ignored when deleting groups #25

Closed MalakymR closed 6 years ago

MalakymR commented 6 years ago

When selecting multiple groups to delete, only the first is deleted.

URL shows multiple gids for deletion /zm/index.php?view=groups&action=delete&gid=7&gid=9

Checked elsewhere, deleting cameras from the console, multiple selection/delete works okay.

MalakymR commented 6 years ago

I've looked into this, and compared it against another multiselect operation (deleting cameras etc).

Groups deletion is not looping the array - this seemed strange at first because the parameter is using array() around the $_REQUEST so looked okay. But its only reading the first value. (Also its been a long time since I've done web work, not used to MVVM etc).

The camera deletion operation uses foreach() through the $_REQUEST to delete each... but still uses array() on a single value in the SQL delete statement, which I'm pretty sure is not needed. includes/actions.php Line 556.

foreach( $_REQUEST['markMids'] as $markMid ) { ... dbQuery( 'DELETE FROM Monitors WHERE Id = ?', array($markMid) ); dbQuery( 'DELETE FROM Zones WHERE MonitorId = ?', array($markMid) ); if ( ZM_OPT_X10 ) dbQuery( 'DELETE FROM TriggersX10 WHERE MonitorId=?', array($markMid) );

I'm not going to touch markMid for now, but will PR in a bit for the others for review.

MalakymR commented 6 years ago

I was wrong about not needing array() - I assume that dbQuery assumes the param is in an array regardless of values.

connortechnology commented 6 years ago

I did something different in regards to this issue. Thanks for your efforts though! Please test what I've done.

MalakymR commented 6 years ago

Fixed now.

When the popup window closes for groups, the parent page doesn't seem to refresh though.