conor19w / Binance-Futures-Trading-Bot

A Technical Analysis Bot that trades leveraged USDT futures markets on Binance.
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Quantity less than or equal to zero. #52

Closed RaphielHS closed 10 months ago

RaphielHS commented 10 months ago

10-09-2023 10:35:58 INFO: Account Balance: $10.35, Total profit: $0, Wins: 0, Losses: 0, Win/Loss ratio: Not available yet, No Open Positions 10-09-2023 10:37:00 WARNING: open_trade() - error occurred placing limit order on BTCUSDT, OP: 3, tick_size: 0.1 Entry price: 25828.2, trade direction: 0, Quantity: 0.0, Error Info: (BinanceAPIException(<Response [400]>, 400, '{"code":-4003,"msg":"Quantity less than or equal to zero."}'), '', 315), Error: APIError(code=-4003): Quantity less than or equal to zero.

RaphielHS commented 10 months ago

10-09-2023 10:43:59 WARNING: open_trade() - error occurred placing limit order on XVGUSDT, OP: 0, tick_size: 1e-06 Entry price: 0.003797, trade direction: 0, Quantity: 1090, Error Info: (BinanceAPIException(<Response [400]>, 400, '{"code":-4164,"msg":"Order\'s notional must be no smaller than 5 (unless you choose reduce only)."}'), '', 315), Error: APIError(code=-4164): Order's notional must be no smaller than 5 (unless you choose reduce only). too

RaphielHS commented 10 months ago

reduceOnly is also a problem

RaphielHS commented 10 months ago

Cause: too small order_size for my balance