consenlabs / carbonvote

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Eliminating exchange votes without a blacklist #4

Open aiman opened 8 years ago

aiman commented 8 years ago

If the system detects conflicting votes from the same address, then just drop that address from participating in the vote.

The trade-off is that people won't be able to change their vote. But this may not be so bad, because it is consistent with how voting works in real elections. Also, it is relatively cheap to set up new rounds so they can be treated more as a snapshot in time.

If the "conflict vote" stats are interesting, you can provide a table listing the number of YES and NO transactions for each conflict address ranked by size.

lgn21st commented 7 years ago

I like the idea, but reconsider the recent event "The UK's EU referendum", I think there are a lots of leaving voters regret about the first action, so I think there is a big advance to vote through ethereum system that let people can be able to change they mind in last minute.

aiman commented 7 years ago

I agree that the flexibility is useful. In fact, there may be even better ways to exclude exchanges, such as using a method call instead of a transfer. There are surely many trade-offs.

mrstormlars commented 7 years ago

A new question has been set up for voting on, but the blacklist has not been updated! E.g. has 4 withdraw accounts in use, and only one is blacklisted... Needs to be fixed quickly! Don't know where to report...

lgn21st commented 7 years ago

@mrstormlars thank you for point out this, can you tell me how to find out all kraken withdraw address? I can fix it manually, then it will have new feature allow user submit exchange address directly at

mrstormlars commented 7 years ago

You could start at the top of the Etherscan accounts list (sorted from highest ETH-amount): Any known accounts are named in the list, so they are easy to spot. You will for example find Kraken_3 on the first page and Kraken_4 on the next.