consensus-shipyard / ipc

🌳 Spawn multi-level trees of customized, scalable, EVM-compatible networks with IPC. L2++ powered by FVM, Wasm, libp2p, IPFS/IPLD, and CometBFT.
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Robustify top-down parent finality mechanics #1036

Open raulk opened 3 months ago

raulk commented 3 months ago
### Issues
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cryptoAtwill commented 3 months ago

Summary of the pain points:

  1. Complete trust on RPC node for parent network events/states. However, in production, it is possible for RPC to serve missing data, such as empty events for certain height.
  2. Topdown consensus happens in two places, leading to inconsistent data. Parent block hash + height are voted in topdown cache, but there is also a vote tally. If vote tally does not form a quorum, it's still not considered final. What adds complexity is that vote tally is not revertible. If the parent chain reverts, finality cache will reset, but vote tally cannot reset.
  3. If fendermint node crashes, topdown proposals might be rejected due to cache not ready. This would lead to serious consensus error, such as vote replay from cometbft, the node might have voted for the proposal but due to restart, rejected the proposal. Ideally, the processing of proposals should be deterministic.
  4. When a topdown finality is committed to the chain subnet blockchain, a new node that needs to catch up actually has to pull RPC to get finality data instead of just from the child subnet blockchain.
cryptoAtwill commented 3 months ago

Proposed solution

The topdown finality struct is proposed to add validatorChanges and crossMesages so it's:

struct ParentFinality {
    height: u64,
    hash: Hash,
    validator_changes: Vec<ValidatorChange>,
    messages: Vec<IPCEnvolope>

Alternatively, the above vote tally can happen completely on chain, i.e. in fendermint, each validator will submit the ParentFinality to the contract and vote tally is calculated on the contract.

How does the above address the pain points?

For pain point 1, the ultimate solution is light client. Since we don't have it for now, then voting that can be reverted should be able to handle restarts. At the same time, only validators need to run the topdown syncer instead of every single node. Each validator could also connect to a different RPC for diversity.

For pain point 2,3 and 4, it should be obvious because RPC is no longer needed when the proposal is finalised.

Updated vote tally process

When a validator detects a new parent view, it prepares the ParentFinality struct. It calculates the CID of the ParentFinality and signs the message. It publishes the finality height, CID, public key and signature to the gossip channel. Upon receiving a gossip vote, the validator will check if it has already voted. If yes, the vote is ignored. If no, the validator will validate the signature is correct. Then it looks up the height and aggregate signature. It also tracks the validator has voted in a bitmap where each bit represents if the validator has voted or not, i.e. 1 means yes and 0 means no. The validator will calculate if a quorum is reached. If yes, the MultiSigProof is created.

struct MultiSigProof {
    voted: BitVector,
    aggregated_signature: Bytes,

Upon receiving the proposal, the validator needs to:

  1. Query the latest membership from the child subnet gateway to get the list of validator public keys
  2. Calculate the CID of the ParentFinality received as the signature message.
  3. Parse the bitmap to obtain list of validators that actually signed the mesasge
  4. Validate the message
  5. If the signatures are valid, then the topdown messages with validator changes are executed.
cryptoAtwill commented 3 months ago

After some initial implementation of topdown commitment, #1037, here are a few initial ideas on how to implement commitment into vote tally.

Existing Approach

The current vote tally works as follows, the topdown syncer will pick up new parent view from parent RPC. When there is a new parent view, it's stored in vote tally. There is a background process that wakes up every few seconds, check the latest parent height tracked in vote tally and makes signs the corresponding data and publish the vote for that height.

So there are a couple of things to consider here:

  1. How fast a quorum will be reached for vote tally? Since each validator wakes up voting for the latest height seen, will the validators miss each others proposals? I.e. validator 1 votes height 100 and validator 2 votes 101. So they somehow not agreeing on the final vote.
  2. Currently vote tally does not support revert, i.e. if the parent has reverted, vote tally cannot revote agian.
  3. Adding commitment is tricky now, because commitment is an aggregation of a continuous number of blocks while current block hash is just one block.


One way to address the above issues is to enforce incremental progression. If the previous height to vote has not formed a quorum, vote tally will wait till the previous height has reached quorum. Parent finality is divided into max steps, each step is perhaps, say, 100 blocks or size_of(proposal) > 1kb. The step size might need to be contained so as not to blow up the block size. The previous quorum reached height say, it's 1000, then next height to vote is within 1100. Each validator will not vote beyond. If a quorum cannot be reached within 1100 (different RPC response, too big a proposal), then it's voided and restart.

Current code base can be reorganized into two major components:

trait ParentSyncer{
  async fn poll_next_block(..);
  async fn purge_blocks(heights);

trait TopdownConsensus {
  // called by fendermint interpreter
  fn sealed_quorum_proposal() -> Option<Proposal>;
  fn check_quorum_proposal(proposal) -> bool;
  fn quorum_advanced(height) -> bool;

  fn next_proposal_height() -> Height;
  fn new_vote_received(height, commitment);
  async fn publish_vote(height);

The commitment is then the topdown messages + validator changes aggregated in that step. Each validator will just vote on the height + commitment. In cometbft, the commitment + parent view will be included as a final sealed proposal.

Pros and cons

One thing to note that using vote tally as a side channel comes with pros and cons compared to using a native actor for voting.


  1. Voting process stays off the blockchain, only the final proposal is published to the blockchain, saves block spaces. Using native actors will have all the voting process included in the blockchain.
  2. No gas needed, no special entry point.


  1. Side consensus channel beside blockchain consensus. More complexity.
  2. Past validator voting histories are not included in the blockchain, slashing misbehaviour might be more complex. It's still doable, as one can just collect all the past signatures and commitment to validate and submit to blockchain.
karlem commented 3 months ago

Hey @cryptoAtwill

The proposal sounds great! I just have a couple of clarifying questions:

  1. If quorum can’t be reached, how does the parent get synchronized with the child? Given your proposal, we can have a limit, say 100 blocks in the child, to form quorum or drop the proposal. However, how does this get propagated to the parent since the parent is using different block times, etc.? Maybe we would need to notify the parent that the quorum wasn’t reached?

  2. You mentioned that the top-down finality is stored by the current validator who receives the proposal. Is the proposal stored on the validator's machine?

  3. Is it safe to assume that the purpose is also to have different validators using different RPC nodes (potentially more than one) to increase resilience? If that is the case, what happens if a single validator is using 3 RPC endpoints and they all report different states? I guess the sensible thing would be to just pick the one where he can see his peers' states too?

  4. When a new validator joins the subnet network and wants to replay the chain, is it safe to assume they would completely skip the syncer and not replay the parent chain events since the quorum would never be formed again?

  5. When the proposal passes the quorum and makes it to cometBFT, there is a point where the validator queries the last membership from the gateway to get the list of public keys of validators. Is there any chance that the list of current validators might have changed since the quorum was reached? For example, if the finality arrived from RPC on block 8000, then it took 80 blocks to reach the quorum on block 8080. Is there any possibility the validator set might have changed in the meantime?

  6. If the vote tally is restarted, are the validators going to query the same RPC nodes? Maybe it would be beneficial to always have a fallback RPC parent node to try.


cryptoAtwill commented 3 months ago

Hey @karlem

  1. The parent does not get notified of the topdown. If a quorum is not reached, that means it will not commit the side effects and nothing happens in the parent. I think we dont have to notify the parent, the parent does not really care about topdown. If no bottom up is received, that means the child has not settled yet.
  2. Yeah, every validator participating in the topdown finality should have its own copy.
  3. Probably what each validator does is up to the validator. Validators might collude as well. Since there is no light client, it's really difficult to validator who is right. Personally I think each validator can potentially query 3 RPCs, and cross compare as well. But ultimately it's about what the quorum sees. If the validator uses 3 RPCs and each reports a different state, the sensible option is perhaps raise an error and resolve the divergence then continue.
  4. That validator should not have a vote power big enough that without it, the quorum stops forming. Too centralized or wrong power allocated.
  5. Not possible, the validator changes come from parent subnet, it's part of the side effect. If there are no quorum reach for topdown finality at the current child state, no validator changes will be committed and cannot change the existing validator set. You can think of it as the current validators forming a quorum on the updates to the current validator set regardless block delays. Even for some node replay the whole block chain, it should be fine too.
karlem commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the answers, just couple of notes:

  1. I think we dont have to notify the parent, the parent does not really care about topdown. If no bottom up is received, that means the child has not settled yet. - This makes sense, as long as the parent does not share the "uncommitted" state (not committed from bottom-up) as the current state of things.

  2. Yeah, I think this is maybe something that we can recommend to validators. It is important to make them aware that if they all use the same RPC node, it's not without risk.

  3. I think we are probably not talking about the same thing. Could you please help me understand what will happen if a new validator joins and replays the chain? Do they also replay the RPC from the parent, or just CometBFT? For example, if a validator joins on block 1000 a starts from snapshot but the network is on block 1500 and there already was 5 top down finality rounds and votes.

cryptoAtwill commented 3 months ago

@karlem For 3, it's here: for topdown mechanism. With new design, there is no need for replay the RPC, because everything is on the blockchain.

if a validator joins on block 1000 a starts from snapshot but the network is on block 1500 and there already was 5 top down finality rounds and votes. Then the validator needs to wait for the previous finality to be committed and join the list of validators.

karlem commented 3 months ago

@cryptoAtwill Yes cool. I was just double checking that this is the case. So when a new validator is catching up it won't consume the historical RPC events - because there is no need.

cryptoAtwill commented 2 months ago

The updated proposal for topdown is broken down into several parts:

Parent data collection

At the time of this writing, no changes to the existing parent syncer process.

Topdown voting and vote aggregation

There is a new versioned data struct that represent the vote being gossiped, named TopdownVote.

/// The different versions of vote casted in topdown gossip pub-sub channel
pub struct TopdownVote {
    version: u8,
    block_height: BlockHeight,
    /// The content that represents the data to be voted on for the block height
    payload: Bytes,

Currently we only support version = 1 where payload = block_hash.extend(finality side effects commitment). The actual bytes that are voted on is the serialized version of TopdownVote, i.e. fvm_ipld_encoding::to_vec(self).

To calculate the side effects commitment, the topdown finality struct now contains the cross messages and validator changes.

/// A proposal of the parent view that validators will be voting on.
pub struct ParentFinalityPayload {
    /// Block height of this proposal.
    pub height: ChainEpoch,
    /// The block hash of the parent, expressed as bytes
    pub block_hash: Vec<u8>,
    /// The topdown messages to be executed.
    /// Note that this is not the cross messages at the `height`,
    /// but instead the cross messages since the last topdown finality to the current `height`.
    pub cross_messages: Vec<IpcEnvelope>,
    /// The validator changes to be applied
    /// Note that this is not the validator changes at the `height`,
    /// but instead the validator changes since the last topdown finality to the current `height`.
    pub validator_changes: Vec<StakingChangeRequest>,

impl ParentFinalityPayload {
    pub fn side_effect_cid(&self) -> Cid {
        Cid::from(&self.cross_messages, &self.validator_changes)

When the parent syncer has pushed data to vote tally, the TopdownVote will be signed by the validator private key and converted into SignedVote.

/// The vote submitted to the vote tally
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct SignedVote {
    pub(crate) payload: Bytes, // serialised TopdownVote struct
    /// The signature of the signed content using the pubkey
    signature: Signature,
    pub(crate) pubkey: ValidatorKey,

The vote of each validator is published from a separated thread that runs the publish_vote_loop. The high level idea is still the same as current main. It checks the latest height in vote tally and publishes the SignedVote to the gossip-pubsub topic.

For vote listening, there is a gossip pub sub channel listening to incoming votes. The gossip pub sub checks the peer information and makes sure it's from the correct peer. Then, fendermint uses dispatch_vote method to add the received vote to vote tally.

The SignedVote received will have the signature checked and converted back to TopdownVote. The topdown votes are collected into a sorted map:

OrdMap<BlockHeight, HashMap<TopdownVote, ValidatorSignatures>>

The ValidatorSignatures is a collection of validator key with the signature received from SignedVote.

/// A collection of validator public key that have signed the same content.
struct ValidatorSignatures {
    validators: HashMap<ValidatorKey, Signature>,

The find_quorum will be constantly called by cometbft to check if there are quorum formed. If there are more than 2/3 of the total weight validators have voted for a specific TopdownVote, a quorum cert, MultiSigCert, is created.

/// The ecdsa signature aggregation quorum cert for topdown proposal
pub struct MultiSigCert {
    signed_validator_bitmap: BitVec,
    agg_signatures: AggregatedSignature,

The validators are sorted by their weight followed by validator public key, so that they are ordered deterministically.

Broadcast the certificate and commitment of the parent finality

Cometbft will call prepare abci method in fendermint, the prepare method will check if there is a quorum cert. If there is one, the node will form the ParentFinalityPayload then deduce the TopdownVote. The topdown vote deduced will be checked against the quorum cert ballot. If they are matching, then the topdown proposal for cometbft is prepared: TopdownProposalWithQuorum. It has the following definition:

struct TopdownProposalWithQuorum {
    pub proposal: TopdownProposal,
    pub cert: MultiSigCert,

enum TopdownProposal {

In process, it will check if the MultiSigCert actually matches with the current power table by:

If the above two conditions are met, the proposal is accepted.

In deliver, it's just the execution of ParentFinalityPayload.