consensusRealityIO / RSBP

Real Simple Bitcoin Payments
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Redundant source for pricing data #7

Open dykstranet opened 8 years ago

dykstranet commented 8 years ago

Need to add a secondary and tertiary source for pricing data. If bitcoinaverage is down, get price from


If all three time out. Need to show error on the user interface web page.

dykstranet commented 8 years ago

New possible source for price API

dykstranet commented 8 years ago

Another source for pricing information:

dykstranet commented 7 years ago

If IDR, let's get the price from

Fall back to Bitcoin average (current implementation)

Then the Bitpay price api.

dykstranet commented 7 years ago

We definitely need redundant price sourcing data. This is the problem with current implementation.

infertux commented 7 years ago

That's only 100 requests every 24 hours. We fetch the price every minute so yeah that will be a problem if they leave the page open for a while.

dykstranet commented 7 years ago

This continues to be a problem. Need to create redundant price sources.

dykstranet commented 7 years ago

Bitcoin Average has throttled the requests again.

Redundant pricing data is needed.

screen shot 2017-08-16 at 5 49 41 pm

pekatete commented 6 years ago

This is deprecated and now redirects to coinbase

neocybereth commented 6 years ago ; here's a good source for realtime BTC pricing data

neocybereth commented 6 years ago for IDR....they have a list of all available currencies too here under the Ticker section: