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Decide how to name abstract classes representing functions #15

Closed mbloms closed 7 years ago

mbloms commented 7 years ago

I propose we use polish notation to code the type into the classnames. The implication will be that there is only one possible representation for one type. And the return value will always be exactly what is left when popping the argument.

//Prefix/Polish Notation
// Int->Int
abstract class $_Int_Int {
    abstract apply(Int): Int;
//Int -> (Int -> Int)
abstract class $_Int$_Int_Int {
    abstract apply(Int): $_Int_Int;
//(Int -> Int) -> Int
abstract class $$_Int_Int_Int {
    abstract apply($_Int_Int): Int;

class Add() extends $_Int$_Int_Int {
    apply(Int i) : $_Int_Int = {
        return new AddInner(i);
class AddInner(Int i) extends $_Int_Int {
    apply(Int ii) : Int = {
        return i + ii;

class ApplyIncrement(Int i) extends $$_Int_Int_Int {
    apply($_Int_Int f) : Int = {
        return f.apply(i+1)
//(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
/** Compose
    $$_A_C$$_A_B$_A_C ->
    $($_A_C)$($_A_B)($_A_C) ->
class $$_A_C$$_A_B$_A_C extends $_Any$_Any_Any{
    apply($_A_C f) : $$_A_B$_A_C;

class $$_A_B$_A_C extends $_Any_Any {
    apply($_A_B) : $_A_C;
considerate commented 7 years ago


considerate commented 7 years ago

One thing though: Beware of name clashes between abstract classes and concrete classes.