consindo / stormcloud

An awesome weather app.
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more days in future forcast & previous forecast #19

Open drdamour opened 11 years ago

drdamour commented 11 years ago

i don't want to mess with the beauty of the app, but it would be nice to get more days in the UI for the future forecast area. Once suggested implementation would be to have hidden panning arrows to the left and right of the days to move forward & backwards in the forecast with a nice panning transition.

This UI technique has a natural extension that allows you to view previous days as well by selecting the pan left action from the base results (next 4 days).

Key thing is to not over complicate the UI.

Not sure if the yahoo API has this info or not.

consindo commented 11 years ago

Yahoo Weather only supports 5 days. If I were to add a 10 day forecast it would cost a lot of money (minimium of $150 a month). That's the only problem really.

drdamour commented 11 years ago

what about previous days recaps? is that available for free?

consindo commented 11 years ago

Nah, that's not available at all.