consindo / stormcloud

An awesome weather app.
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Auto reload is jarring visually #20

Closed drdamour closed 11 years ago

drdamour commented 11 years ago

this is my opinion of course, but i find the auto reload to be jarring.

the problem is the refresh icon is all alone with the whole UI changing. This UI experience makes a lot of sense when a user manually refreshes the UI via clicking the refresh button..they expect it to change. But when it's an auto refresh you needn't show the refreshing icon. Just request the data and updated the UI when the new data is ready.

You could go so far as to have a really fancy melting interface to transition from the old data to the new data.

Finally, i'd suggest tracking user interactions and never do an auto refresh if the user has invoked any action in the last X seconds. This avoids the very unpleasant experience of it refreshing right in the middle of you panning with cities.

consindo commented 11 years ago

Fixed in Git.

consindo commented 11 years ago

Currently the data just replaces itself instantly (no animation) but if I can think of something cool in the future, I'll do it.

drdamour commented 11 years ago

i think it would be nicer if the refresh animation was there when the thing is manually refreshed, gives the user a nice notification that their action caused some change.

krid commented 11 years ago

I'm with drdamour: Animation is good when an explicit refresh is requested, but bad when it's happening in the background.

It's distracting to have Stormcloud flashing in the corner of my screen every few minutes. However, when I hit the button I expect to see something happen. If the weather happens to be the same before and after the refresh, I'll get no visual feedback telling me that the app actually processed my request.