consindo / stormcloud

An awesome weather app.
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Certain characters not displayed #4

Closed Nevon closed 11 years ago

Nevon commented 11 years ago

Certain characters, such as å ä and ö aren't being displayed in the app. For example, I live in Luleå, which is printed out as "Lulea".

consindo commented 11 years ago

I don't think I can fix this. The name comes from the yahoo weather api and obviously, it's returning the incorrect name.

consindo commented 11 years ago

Oh. That's very interesting. When it does the city request, it returns the correct name but when it does the weather request, it removes the characters.*%20from%20geo.places%20where%20text%3D%22lualea%20sweden%22&format=xml

consindo commented 11 years ago

Fixed. You will need to re-add the location though as it just caches the name rather than fetching it every time.