constantAmateur / SoupX

R package to quantify and remove cell free mRNAs from droplet based scRNA-seq data
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Add option to save plot in autoEstCont #70

Closed Hrovatin closed 3 years ago

Hrovatin commented 3 years ago

Add option to save plot in autoEstCont so that if correcting multiple files non-interactively plots can be inspected afterwards.

constantAmateur commented 3 years ago

This is a good suggestion, I will implement it in the next version. Thank you!

ms-gx commented 2 years ago

Yes, please! Is there no option to catch the plot in a non-interactive script?

ms-gx commented 2 years ago

Ah, can be captured with a normal png() & in the script

AmelZulji commented 2 years ago

Hi folks,

Is there any update on this?

it would be pretty convenient if one could output ggplot class, so that it can be combined witt other plots using patchwork or similar.

Best, Amel