constelation / monorepo

Mono repo for constelation's Components, functions, and CONSTANTS
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<Image> component requires a height to be set #30

Closed thomasbruketta closed 7 years ago

thomasbruketta commented 7 years ago

RN's implementation of image was intended to allow and image to be rendered to its original dimension with nothing but the source given.


<Image source="">

The above yields a 350x150 image with RN's Image component but nothing with constelations Image component.

kylpo commented 7 years ago

Woah, found the problem. Passing in height: undefined, width: undefined messes up RN's Image. Looks like I might have a RN pull request in my sights...

kylpo commented 7 years ago

Should be fixed with Learned a LOT from this one!

Closing. Please re-open if you still see this after updating.