constverum / ProxyBroker

Proxy [Finder | Checker | Server]. HTTP(S) & SOCKS :performing_arts:
Apache License 2.0
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Does proxybroker support (re)-checking queue of proxies? #136

Open brizzbane opened 5 years ago

brizzbane commented 5 years ago

I've looked through code, and I see I can do: check = Checker([list of judges])

Then: check.check(proxy)

But it seems to only suppport checking one proxy at a time? I'm trying to find out how the code itself uses the checker, but grepping 'check' in the source folder...I'm not getting anywhere fast, so I thought I'd ask.

Is there a built in checker that supports checking a asyncio.Queue of proxies (i.e. fast, concurrent checking)?

Any help or direction would be much appreciated!

erm3nda commented 4 years ago

I didn't digg so much on that, but in overall, proxybroker creates the async pool from given scrapped data, and checks every item in the queue one by one using that function. So, don't expect to find something like a for or while loop using it. It's on the async queue.

You can use the check feature using the CLI instead, with a list.txt with proxies using the --data parameter like proxybroker find --types HTTP HTTPS --data list.txt. This will make the work for you.