consulo / UnityEditorConsuloPlugin

Consulo plugin for UnityEditor
Apache License 2.0
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If using .NET 4.x Scripting Runtime, double click on script/message in unity console not open the file in consulo #13

Closed parmaia closed 5 years ago

parmaia commented 5 years ago


Finally I was able to isolate this problem, and is very easy to reproduce.

Create a new project, go to Player Settings -> Other Settings -> Scripting Runtime Version, and set it to .NET 4.x Equivalent.


Then double click on a script (I added an empty script with a Debug.Log("Hi"); on Start), or double click on the message in the console, does not open the script in consulo.

If I go back to Scripting Runtime Version ".NET 3.5 Equivalent", all return to work perfectly.

I'm using unity 2018.2.18f1, but I can confirm the same problem with 2018.1.9f2.

I'm running on windows 10.

If you need more info, any log or want me to perform any test, let me know!

Thanks in advance!

VISTALL commented 5 years ago

Hello. I will test it.


VISTALL commented 5 years ago

Hello. I tested - and Unity not load Consulo library into editor.

As i understand - it's problem like different Unity versions.

There few solutions:


VISTALL commented 5 years ago

Update 2.

After testing i found some interest thing. Sending http requests is not working(from Unity).

parmaia commented 5 years ago


We are also trying to use the package manager, but with no success until now. If I find something interesting on that way, I'll let you know.

The http issue is very strange :(

Thanks for the effort.

VISTALL commented 5 years ago

Update 3.

This code is not working if using 4.x runtime. Idk why.

I testing new sending code via Unity API (

VISTALL commented 5 years ago

Maybe i miss something - but why this code works good at 3.x, but at 4.x we had this issue

VISTALL commented 5 years ago

New build with UnityWebRequest. Can you test it?