consulthys / node-red-contrib-logstash

NodeRED nodes for visually modeling Logstash pipelines
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to Generate Logstash configuration #2

Open arkroop opened 6 years ago

arkroop commented 6 years ago


I am using the Logstash with the node red and create some example workflow. I am trying to Generate the Logstash configuration after the deployment. But I am not getting any option to generate the Logstash configuration. Please let me know how to generate the configuration in node-red.

Thanks, Arkroop

consulthys commented 6 years ago

Hi @arkroop, you can use the nr2ls.js script.

    USAGE: node nr2ls <flowId> <outFile>
      <flowId> the id of the flow to generate the Logstash config for
      <outFile> the name of the Logstash config file (defaults to flow name)
arkroop commented 6 years ago

Hi @consulthys

Thanks for your prompt response. I am trying to execute the given command in nodejs command prompt but getting issue. Please find the attached screen shot of the same. Let me know whats wrong I am doing and correct way to do the same.

Thanks, Arkroop command

consulthys commented 6 years ago

You need to cd into the node-red-contrib-logstash folder you've checked out

arkroop commented 6 years ago


Thanks It works now. But I would like to know that can we do the same using Node-Red UI or this is manual task to run the same with command prompt.

Thanks, Arkroop

consulthys commented 6 years ago

Ideally, I'd like to put a button somewhere on the UI, but I've not gotten there yet.