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A Modern Search Engine API for Anime, Movies/TVShows, Books, Light Novels, Manga, etc.
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[Flixhq] No stream links are returned for vidcloud and upcloud #159

Closed pitsi closed 2 years ago

pitsi commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

The api does not return streams for vidcloud and upcloud. It does return streams for mixcloud though.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Using the search function, find the movie's id or mediaId as the api names it. E.g. for deadpool
    $ curl -s | jq .
      "id": "movie/watch-deadpool-19694",
  2. Using the movie id from above, find the id number for the movie or episodeId as the api names it.
    $ curl -s | jq .
      "id": "19694",
  3. Using the 2 outputs from above, request the source urls (streams) for vidcloud or upcloud.
    $ curl -s "" | jq .

$ curl -s "" | jq .

### Expected behavior

The last step should return results similar to this one, which is for mixdrop.

$ curl -s "" | jq . { "url": "", }

### Actual behavior

Instead, a "media not found" message is returned for vidcloud and upcloud.

$ curl -s "" | jq . { "message": "Media Not found." }

$ curl -s "" | jq . { "message": "Media Not found." }

### Additional context

I don't know when the api broke, but I am sure I used it successfully on a script 2 days ago.
Also, all command outputs above have been trimmed to show only the important part of each one.
riimuru commented 2 years ago

@pitsi fixed 👍. they changed the key size from 16 to 32 chars, so I just had to use a different regex.

pitsi commented 2 years ago

Thank you very very much! :)

hackedXD commented 2 years ago

@riimuru This issue seems to have popped up again.

I tried the process done above and it seems to be replicating the same response as before.

The output of both of the following commands

Produce the same output of {"message":"Media Not found."}

pitsi commented 2 years ago

It's almost 7am here and I have just woken up, but I had to check it.

So, on my first try with just curl, the api returned stream links and I was about to say that it was working ok and I would commend later on, with some grep etc to keep the important parts. Then I tried my script, but it did not work, so I tried curl again. And this time curl returned the "media nor found" message. I will investigate it more later on, just in case the api has some downtime.

I also noticed that it no longer returns the same urls for vidcloud and upcloud, like it did 2 days ago.

---edit 2 hours have passed since then and I checked it again just now. It does return results like it used to and the script is also working...