Open ferenc-hechler opened 1 year ago
When I look at the role I created, the resources section is empty. So it is validated when creating the role (the id has to be a TAG id), but afterwards it is somehow dropped. I tried the example request and the resources are not dropped:
cntb create role --name "infrastructure" --permissions "[{\"apiName\" : \"/v1/compute/instances\", \"actions\": [\"CREATE\", \"READ\"], \"resources\": [173123]}]"
And then I tried to update the user to have both roles, but then I get an error message, that a user can have only 1 Role, which is in contradiction to the statements in the API description:
cntb update user 9c112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff --roles "82345,82555"
level=error msg="Error while updating user: 400 - Bad Request only 1 role can be assigned to a user\n"
level=fatal msg="Aborting, due to errors"
So, I think, I am doing something fundamentally wrong...
Another try to combine both permissions in one role:
cntb create role --name "combined" --permissions "[{\"apiName\" : \"/v1/compute/instances\", \"actions\": [\"CREATE\", \"READ\"], \"resources\": [173923]},{\"apiName\" : \"/v1/compute/instances/:instanceId/snapshots\", \"actions\": [\"CREATE\", \"READ\"]}]"
now I see only one instance with cntb get instances
, but I still can get the snapshots from the other instances, when I know the id.
Hello, sorry for the late response. We fixed the issue, that snapshots of an instances where not guarded by the Tag on that instance. What you did with creating the Tag, then assigning it to the instance and adding it to a role in the resourcePermissions was correct.
Currently we only allow one role per user, we hope that most of the use cases can be covered by adding specific api endpoints and tags to a role. We where planning on allowing multiple roles per user in the future, so the API as well as the cli tool already expect an array of roles.
Hi @Maximilian-Temeschinko,
thanks for the fix. I tested it and it does not works for all commands I use.
Here is the user config:
$ cntb get user 9c112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff -oyaml
- customerId: "34567"
emailVerified: true
enabled: true
firstName: Snapshot
lastName: Manager
locale: en
owner: false
- accessAllResources: false
admin: false
customerId: "34567"
name: snapshotmgr
- actions:
apiName: /v1/compute/instances/:instanceId/snapshots
- tagId: 173123
- actions:
apiName: /v1/compute/instances/:instanceId/snapshots/:snapshotId/rollback
- tagId: 173123
- actions:
apiName: /v1/compute/instances/:instanceId/actions/restart
- tagId: 173123
- actions:
apiName: /v1/compute/instances/:instanceId/snapshots/:snapshotId
- tagId: 173123
roleId: 82345
tenantId: DE
type: custom
tenantId: DE
totp: false
userId: 9c112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff
Logging in with this user:
$ cntb config set-credentials --oauth2-clientid=... --oauth2-client-secret=... --oauth2-password="abcd-2345"
Getting snapshots for an instance, which is not tagged with SNAPINST:
$ cntb get snapshots 100123456
level=error msg="Error while retrieving snapshots: 403 - Forbidden access to instance with instanceId: 100123456\n"
level=fatal msg="Aborting, due to errors"
That is better than before.
But rolling back the same instance to an old snapshot is not forbidden:
$ cntb rollback snapshot "100123456" "snap1678901234"
Instance 100123456 rollback to snapshotId snap1678901234
Also creating a new snapshot for the instance is possible:
$ cntb create snapshot "100123456" --name "neuersnapshot"
But deleting the newly created snapshot is forbidden:
$ cntb delete snapshot "100123456" "snap1689012345"
level=error msg="Error while deleting snapshot: 403 - Forbidden access to instance with instanceId: 100123456\n"
level=fatal msg="Aborting, due to errors"
Another function, which I use is to restart the instance (not snapshot related) is also possible for all instances:
$ cntb restart instance "100123456"
100123456 restart
So, it is getting better, but still something to do ;-)
sorry for the late response again...
All the issues should be fixed, until you find more :smile:
And thanks for finding and reporting the bugs!
Hi @ngotzmann ,
we are getting closer... :-)
All snapshot related commands are now restricted as expected. But restarting an instance which is not tagged correctly is still possible.
$ cntb restart instance "100123456"
100123456 restart
Hi, the issue is fixed now in the new version: v1.4.9
How to configure roles is not well documented, especially how apiPermissions and resourcePermissions work together.
I want to create a user, who is allowed to create and restore snapshots only for one special instance and not for any other instance.
I have three VPS instances 100123456, 100123457 and 100123458. The "snapshotmanager" user should be allowed to create snapshots for instance 100123456, but not for the other instances.
What I did:
Now I tried if the user is really restricted to the instance tagged with SNAPINST:
That is as expected. The role only grants access to the snapshots api and not to the get instance endpoint.
That is as expected. Now I try to get the snapshots for another instance (which is not tagged with "SNAPINST"):
That is not, what I wanted. The user should not have access to this instance. I tried it another way, to hard-code the instance id in the path, when defining the role, but that is not accepted:
So, my question is: How do I configure a user to get access to snapshots only for one instance?