container-registry / harbor-satellite

Harbor Satellite (WIP)
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 2 forks source link

File fetcher #20

Closed OneFlyingBanana closed 1 month ago

OneFlyingBanana commented 2 months ago

Reworked main/UI to ask for single input that is automatically categorised as URL or filepath. File is accessed relatively from working directory

OneFlyingBanana commented 1 month ago

http-fetcher changes : Now using's v2 API to :

  1. Retrieve list of tags in repository
  2. Retrieve individual digests for each tag
  3. Store them as key-value pairs

file-fetcher changes : Created JSON file with name (tag is optional), digest and repository URL as values Creates docker pull commands to test usability of data Works by :

  1. Retrieving list of digests from file
  2. Retrieving individual image names and tags (if available) for each digest
  3. Storing them as key-value pairs