container-registry / harbor-satellite

Harbor Satellite (WIP)
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 2 forks source link

Decouple zot registry from satellite #23

Closed OneFlyingBanana closed 3 days ago

OneFlyingBanana commented 1 month ago

Added makefile to build and run zot and zli depending on host's OS and architecture (MacOS/Linux and ARM/X86) Added source code for zot/zli as tar.gz Removed double execution of satellite in main.go Removed launch of zot in satellite.go

Summary by CodeRabbit

coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 month ago


Review failed

The pull request is closed.


The recent updates to the Harbor Satellite system enhance functionality across several key areas. Major additions include handling configuration through the .env file, implementing new registry and replicator types, and improving the file fetching mechanism. Enhancements to various store functionalities, together with changes to the main instantiation logic, form a robust baseline for managing image replication and storage, supporting the decentralized registry architecture at edge locations.


Files Change Summary
.env Updated for HARBOR_USERNAME, HARBOR_PASSWORD, and ZOT_URL configurations.
.gitignore Added .env to ignore list and fixed .DS_Store formatting issue.
image-list/images.json Included details about registry URL, repositories, and associated images.
internal/replicate/replicate.go Added new types (ImageInfo, Repository, RegistryInfo); modified Replicate; introduced functions for handling image replication.
internal/satellite/satellite.go Adjusted tick rate, replication logic, and error handling; added debugging print statement.
internal/store/file-fetch.go Introduced functionality for fetching and parsing image data from a file.
internal/store/http-fetch.go Added support for fetching image lists and digests using HTTP.
internal/store/in-memory-store.go Added in-memory store logic including methods for listing, adding, and removing images; introduced support for different fetcher types.
main.go Enhanced main function with user input handling for URLs/paths; instantiated new components and loaded .env configurations.
registry/config.json Introduced registry system configuration settings.
registry/makefile Added targets for compiling, running, cleaning, and managing binaries for different OS/architecture combinations. Expanded documentation on Harbor Satellite, its architecture and implementation; added author contributions and community support comments.
config.toml Introduced options for using built-in or custom registries, specifying URLs/paths, and demo URLs.
go.mod Updated module name, dependency versions, and added new dependencies.
registry/launch-registry.go Introduced LaunchRegistry() function to start the registry server with configurations from config.json.

Sequence Diagram(s)

    participant User
    participant Main
    participant EnvLoader
    participant Store
    participant Replicator
    participant Registry

    User->>Main: Start application
    Main->>EnvLoader: Load .env
    EnvLoader-->>Main: Configurations loaded
    Main->>Store: Initialize store
    Main->>Replicator: Initialize replicator
    Main->>Registry: Launch registry
    Registry-->>Main: Registry launched
    User->>Main: Request image replication
    Main->>Replicator: Replicate requested image
    Replicator->>Store: Fetch image data
    Store-->>Replicator: Image data fetched
    Replicator-->>User: Image replicated


In lines of code, changes bloom,
For images, now there's room. 🌌
With configs set and tasks aligned,
Edge devices will not lag behind.
Replicate and store anew,
Harbor Satellite, we trust in you! 🚀

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Vad1mo commented 1 month ago

@coderabbitai full review

coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 month ago
Actions Performed Full review triggered.