container-registry / harbor-satellite

Harbor Satellite (WIP)
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 2 forks source link

feat: Add E2E Test for Harbor Satellite #27

Closed bupd closed 20 hours ago

bupd commented 1 week ago


This PR adds end-to-end testing with dagger.

Changes Introduced:


Tests require docker to be installed in the system.

How to Test:

Fixes: #26

Summary by CodeRabbit

coderabbitai[bot] commented 1 week ago


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Commits Files that changed from the base of the PR and between fa67a73441206c727f750c6a51ca4211e8919776 and 2cf1671df233f6f80f5b9c6f7cbeecf14dc5297d.


The updates introduce a new feature called "Harbor Satellite" aimed at decentralizing Harbor container registries for edge computing environments. Key changes include configuration and setup files, code implementations for building and running the satellite service, handling image replication and storage, and end-to-end tests. These modifications enable Harbor systems to function reliably in scenarios with intermittent internet connectivity by storing and serving container images locally.


Files Change Summary
.env, .gitignore, config.toml, config.json Added configuration files for environment variables, registry settings, and gitignore updates to exclude .env file. Updated to reflect the new "Harbor Satellite" project details, use cases, background, and proposal.
ci/main.go, main.go Introduced constants, new functions for satellite service, and configuration setup using viper.
go.mod Updated and added module dependencies for handling container registries and environment variables.
image-list/images.json New JSON file for storing image repository information.
internal/replicate/replicate.go Refactored functions to handle different image schemes and improved image reference handling.
internal/satellite/satellite.go Added functions for creating and running Satellite instances with error handling and immediate execution logic.
internal/store/… Introduced in-memory store, file fetch, and HTTP fetch functionality for managing images.
registry/launch-registry.go New function for initializing and launching the registry server.
test/e2e/… New end-to-end test files for setting up registries, pushing images, and building the satellite service using Dagger.

Sequence Diagram(s)

    participant User
    participant Satellite
    participant Registry

    User->>Satellite: Start Satellite Service
    activate Satellite
    Satellite->>Registry: Fetch Initial Configurations
    Registry-->>Satellite: Configurations
    User->>Satellite: Request Image
    Satellite->>Registry: Retrieve Image
    Registry-->>Satellite: Image Data
    Satellite-->>User: Serve Image
    deactivate Satellite

    Note over Satellite: Operates independently if registry is unavailable


In the wired world where data's streamed,
Harbor Satellite ensures dreams, At the edge where signals wane,
A beacon stands amidst the rain.
Images stored with care so neat,
Ensuring service, never beat.
Cheers to code, now furrows light,
Harbor's edge, forever bright! 🌟

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bupd commented 3 days ago

@Vad1mo ready to merge.