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Loadtest app search #27

Closed ysfdev2 closed 1 year ago

ysfdev2 commented 1 year ago

Loadtest results executed locally via K6 and loadtest script


On average the search with 100 concurrent users the search takes about 22.58s and p(95)=27.47s.

After MVP launch we should look into optimizing the search to perform search against a pre-indexed data set, possibly against memory instead of direct file search.

// Localhost Results (Reading From File + Analytics disabled)
// running (1m00.8s), 000/100 VUs, 438 complete and 0 interrupted iterations
// http_req_duration avg=10.27s   min=137.03ms med=12.29s  max=12.94s   p(90)=12.74s   p(95)=12.79s  

// Prod instance Results (Reading From File + Analytics enabled)
// running (1m08.6s), 000/100 VUs, 241 complete and 0 interrupted iterations
// http_req_duration avg=22.58s   min=522.37ms med=25.16s  max=27.58s   p(90)=27.37s   p(95)=27.47s 
ysfdev2 commented 1 year ago

After MVP launch we should look into optimizing the search to perform search against a pre-indexed data set, possibly against memory instead of direct file search.