containerd / nerdctl

contaiNERD CTL - Docker-compatible CLI for containerd, with support for Compose, Rootless, eStargz, OCIcrypt, IPFS, ...
Apache License 2.0
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Support `nerdctl run --security-opt=XXX` #11

Open soharaki opened 3 years ago

soharaki commented 3 years ago

Add the security options to the nerdctl run.

AkihiroSuda commented 3 years ago

Seccomp was implemented in #12, AppArmor was implemented in 3e9a754ea082a5fc8fee8c91b265231348f6e03b .

We also need to support SELinux (--security-opt label)

thediveo commented 2 years ago

@AkihiroSuda mentions that apparmor support has been implemented. Unfortunately, deploying my lxkns discovery service using the existing docker-compose.yaml fails, seemingly the security option from the composer file doesn't get applied?

Admittedly, this might have been composed in infosec theory hell 😁:

version: '2.4'
        image: lxkns:latest
        read_only: true
            context: ../..
            dockerfile: deployments/lxkns/Dockerfile
            - "/lxkns"
            - "--initialcgroup"
            - "--docker=unix:///proc/1/root/run/docker.sock"
            - "--containerd=/proc/1/root/run/containerd/containerd.sock"
            - "5010:5010"
        user: "65534"
            # apparmor only accepts a profile name, which must have been loaded
            # by the system admin. You might want to use the lxkns-apparmor
            # profile to be found in this directory.
            - apparmor:unconfined #- apparmor:lxkns
            # Please note that Docker's default container seccomp profile is
            # adaptive: it allows all those syscalls for which the process has
            # matching capabilities. In consequence, this Docker default seccomp
            # profile thus does not interfere with lxkns. However, we still want
            # to slightly curb the unneeded parts of the powers bestowed upon us
            # by especially CRAP_SYS_ADMIN and CAP_SYS_PTRACE...
            - seccomp:deployments/lxkns/lxkns-seccomp.json
            - ALL
            - SYS_ADMIN       # change namespaces
            - SYS_CHROOT      # change mount namespaces
            - SYS_PTRACE      # access nsfs namespace information
            - DAC_READ_SEARCH # for fully discovering bind-mounted namespaces
            - DAC_OVERRIDE    # for accessing the containerd API socket
        # We need the full PID view for correct scanning.
        pid: host

Shouldn't nerdctl compose unconfine my service?

thediveo commented 2 years ago

(oh, and SELinux support for setting the context (elements) would be great either!)

alegrey91 commented 2 years ago

Hi guys, any news about SELinux support?

stmcginnis commented 1 year ago

Related to, I think it would be great if nerdctl could support SELinux, but also ignore anything settings on macOS where it would not be applicable.

arnaldo2792 commented 11 months ago

I'm interested in implementing this @AkihiroSuda, is it free for grabs?

yuchanns commented 11 months ago

@arnaldo2792 Feel free to have a try.

arnaldo2792 commented 11 months ago

Ok, I started to work on it :+1:

arnaldo2792 commented 10 months ago

I'm still going through this, it took me some time to configure a reliable setup and understanding what docker/containerd-cri do when SecurityOpt is set to label:<>. I have a better understanding now, I should have something soon-ish to be reviewed, since I'm mostly working on my free time :+1: