containers / build

another build tool for container images (archived, see
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release paths #215

Closed Andrei-Pozolotin closed 8 years ago

Andrei-Pozolotin commented 8 years ago

please use consistent naming pattern for release paths:

compare: vs

1) have a version in artifact name:

2) does not have a version in artifact name:

version is good when you do not want an overwrite on every untar

cgonyeo commented 8 years ago

Would simply naming the release artifacts to include the version be sufficient, or do you think also naming the contents inside the tarball to include the version number would be appropriate?

Andrei-Pozolotin commented 8 years ago

1) yes: "inside the tarball to include the version number would be appropriate"

2) rkt have established a "standard", other modules must now follow:

3) it is also not how docker does it, then must be good :-)

cgonyeo commented 8 years ago

The artifact for the most recent release (v0.3.1) follows the format "acbuild-$VERSION.tar.gz" and the acbuild binary inside this artifact is placed in a directory named "acbuild-$VERSION".

Or in other words:

derek@proton ~> tar tfv acbuild-v0.3.1.tar.gz 
-rwxr-xr-x root/root  11025984 2016-06-15 15:41 acbuild-v0.3.1/acbuild

I'm going to close this issue, if there's something else on this subject that I've missed please feel free to reopen it.

Andrei-Pozolotin commented 8 years ago

works, thank you