containers / buildah

A tool that facilitates building OCI images.
Apache License 2.0
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Unexpected behavior using duplicate layer name in multistaged build #5210

Open p-fruck opened 9 months ago

p-fruck commented 9 months ago


Assume I have three stages in a multistaged build, where 2 copies from 1 and 3 copies from 2. Furthermore, I mistakenly gave layer 2 and 3 the same name. Copying a file from the first layer into the second results in the following message when using upper case names: no stage or image found with that name. This is not quiet correct, rather the second layer name is used twice. But when I change the first layer name to lower case, buildah suddenly tries to pull the image from a remote registry, which should probably not happen.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Create the following Containerfile:
    FROM alpine:latest as FIRST
    RUN echo 1 > /tmp/file

FROM alpine:latest as SECOND COPY --from=FIRST /tmp/file /tmp/file

FROM alpine:latest as SECOND # should be named THIRD COPY --from=SECOND /tmp/file /tmp/file

2. Run `buildah bud` and receive the following message:

[2/3] STEP 1/2: FROM alpine:latest AS SECOND [2/3] STEP 2/2: COPY --from=FIRST /tmp/file . Error: COPY --from=FIRST: no stage or image found with that name

3. Run the following command to retry with a lowercase name and see the image being pulled from a remote registry: `sed -i 's/FIRST/first/g' Containerfile && buildah bud`

[2/3] STEP 1/2: FROM alpine:latest AS SECOND [2/3] STEP 2/2: COPY --from=first /tmp/file . ? Please select an image: ▸

**Describe the results you received:**
shown above

**Describe the results you expected:**
should either build successfully or show an error message, e.g. duplicate layer name

**Output of `rpm -q buildah` or `apt list buildah`:**


**Output of `buildah version`:**

Version: 1.32.2 Go Version: go1.21.1 Image Spec: 1.1.0-rc.4 Runtime Spec: 1.1.0 CNI Spec: 1.0.0 libcni Version:
image Version: 5.28.0 Git Commit:
Built: Tue Oct 31 09:39:32 2023 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 BuildPlatform: linux/amd64

**Output of `podman version` if reporting a `podman build` issue:**

Client: Podman Engine Version: 4.7.2 API Version: 4.7.2 Go Version: go1.21.1 Built: Tue Oct 31 15:32:01 2023 OS/Arch: linux/amd64

**Output of `cat /etc/*release`:**

Fedora release 39 (Thirty Nine) NAME="Fedora Linux" VERSION="39.20231114.0 (Silverblue)" ID=fedora VERSION_ID=39 VERSION_CODENAME="" PLATFORM_ID="platform:f39" PRETTY_NAME="Fedora Linux 39.20231114.0 (Silverblue)" ANSI_COLOR="0;38;2;60;110;180" LOGO=fedora-logo-icon CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora:39" DEFAULT_HOSTNAME="fedora" HOME_URL="" DOCUMENTATION_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT="Fedora" REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT_VERSION=39 REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT="Fedora" REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT_VERSION=39 SUPPORT_END=2024-05-14 VARIANT="Silverblue" VARIANT_ID=silverblue OSTREE_VERSION='39.20231114.0' Fedora release 39 (Thirty Nine) Fedora release 39 (Thirty Nine)

**Output of `uname -a`:**

Linux spectre 6.5.11-300.fc39.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Nov 8 22:37:57 UTC 2023 x86_64 GNU/Linux

**Output of `cat /etc/containers/storage.conf`:**

cat: /etc/containers/storage.conf: No such file or directory

flouthoc commented 9 months ago

I'll check this thanks.