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containers-policy.json: provide default config in /usr/ #2157

Open dustymabe opened 8 months ago

dustymabe commented 8 months ago

Disclaimer: I didn't know where to file this issue. The containers-policy.json file is provided by the containers-common RPM. There is also a repo, but this man page also lives in the repo. Please transfer this around to the most appropriate location.

It would be nice if there could be a configuration split like most software where system defaults are provided by the OS distributor in /usr/ and then overriden by the user in either /etc/ or $HOME/.config.

For example, for containers.conf the man page reads:

Container engines read the /usr/share/containers/containers.conf, /etc/containers/containers.conf, and /etc/containers/con‐tainers.conf.d/.conf files if they exist. When running in rootless mode, they also read $HOME/.config/containers/containers.conf and $HOME/.config/containers/containers.conf.d/.conf files.

Can we provide a similar structure for containers-policy.json where the configuration provided in /usr/ is sufficient for a working system?

One example where this is a problem is running skopeo on a system that somehow doesn't have a /etc/containers/policy.json. I ran into one such case in where /usr/ gets mounted in from the "host" but /etc/ doesn't.

mtrmac commented 8 months ago

Thanks for your report.

Structurally, as to “where to file this”, we’ve made a mess of things: see .

WRT the idea itself, I’m generally wary of adding any variability to signature enforcement. Admittedly there already is a precedent in looking for per-user files, and the /etc vs. /usr thing is a reasonably established pattern…

I ran into one such case in where /usr/ gets mounted in from the "host" but /etc/ doesn't.

… but I don’t see this as a strong argument; there are infinite ways to create a broken system.

Actually, “the policy file got somehow lost” is exactly a good reason to “fail closed” and not fall back to some other policy. The default policy in /usr would, I think, have to be pretty permissive (maybe restricting repositories where the OS provider ships code, to be signed by keys from that OS provider) — so falling back from a site-wide strict policy to the built-in fairly permissive one could be a problem.

dustymabe commented 8 months ago

maybe restricting repositories where the OS provider ships code, to be signed by keys from that OS provider

That's what we do today. We (the OS provider being Fedora/Red Hat) ships:

    "transports": {
        "docker": {
        "": [
            "type": "signedBy",
            "keyType": "GPGKeys",
            "keyPath": "/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release"
        "": [
            "type": "signedBy",
            "keyType": "GPGKeys",
            "keyPath": "/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release"

but we ship it in /etc/ and not /usr/ like we probably should.

I guess there's another argument to make here being that the keys referenced in that config are also in /etc/.

mtrmac commented 8 months ago

Yes, but if that file is “lost” then we don’t fall back to any other policy, we just fail and force the user to provide a policy.

(Admittedly if the user sets up the policy with something valid but not what was intended, there is no way for policy consumers to tell — and I don’t have a strong argument that “forgot to provide a policy” is a more important failure case than “provided the wrong one”. But still, if we can’t do better in some cases, I don’t think that means we should give up on doing better in other cases.)

dustymabe commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the discussion.

mtrmac commented 8 months ago

I very much appreciate the irony that just filing a “also read from /usr” issue without more justification would probably have had a smoother path; and that adding a real-world use case is what triggered my “oh, wait, this is actually good not to do” reaction.

I don’t really know what’s the best path forward here. It’s definitely valuable to have an issue filed, so that the decision can be centralized and tracked.

rhatdan commented 8 months ago

I think we should move the c/i config files to usr and overrride in /etc for consistency, and then users can just blow away /etc/ to get back to default configuration.