containers / image

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Fix GoDoc link at the top of the README file #2387

Closed ananthb closed 2 months ago

ananthb commented 2 months ago

I was really puzzled by the broken documentation at the current link. This version bump should fix it.

ananthb commented 2 months ago

I created the badge link again with their badge generation tool.

ananthb commented 2 months ago

I also cleaned up the README language and links a bit here:

I can add that commit to this PR if that works for you.

mtrmac commented 2 months ago

I also cleaned up the README language and links a bit here

Some parts of that (like updating for the link redirect) are clearly valuable in isolation.

OTOH parts of the README description are to a large extent a historical artifact of how this library was split from skopeo, and should ideally be replaced wholesale — so incremental improvements to the wording would not be the best use of anyone’s time. (Not that I can immediately prioritize those wholesale replacements, either…)