containers / podman-desktop

Podman Desktop - A graphical tool for developing on containers and Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
4.16k stars 264 forks source link

Packaging components #6508

Open feibaihengmo opened 1 month ago

feibaihengmo commented 1 month ago

Is your enhancement related to a problem? Please describe

I hope to obtain the composite component and k8s component, but downloading them internally in the software is too slow. So can we release an installation package that comes with this component

Describe the solution you'd like

I hope to obtain the composite component and k8s component, but downloading them internally in the software is too slow. So can we release an installation package that comes with this component

Describe alternatives you've considered

I hope to obtain the composite component and k8s component, but downloading them internally in the software is too slow. So can we release an installation package that comes with this component

Additional context

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benoitf commented 1 month ago

hello @feibaihengmo could you be more specific about the composite component and k8s component ?

you mean the compose or kubectl binaries ? minikube binary , kind binary ? all of them ?