containers / podman-desktop

Podman Desktop - A graphical tool for developing on containers and Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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Look for containers conf files in the same folders as `podman` does #7027

Open l0rd opened 3 weeks ago

l0rd commented 3 weeks ago

Is your enhancement related to a problem? Please describe

Podman Desktop looks for the containers conf file to find the current machine provider. It uses that to decide which set of machine config features to expose to the user.

The problem is that containers conf can be in folders that are currently ignored by Podman Desktop.

Describe the solution you'd like

Podman Desktop should look for containers conf file in different folders following the same logic as podman.

Additional context

As an example after this windows installer update, podman installation will create a configuration in %APPDATA%/containers/containers.conf.d/99-podman-machine-provider.conf (and later in %PROGRAMDATA%/containers/containers.conf.d/99-podman-machine-provider.conf, see issue). If Podman Desktop ignores the file it will assume that the provider is wsl although podman machine is configured to use hyperv.