containers / podman-desktop

Podman Desktop - A graphical tool for developing on containers and Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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Installation pack of extensions lead to performance issues #7030

Open axel7083 opened 3 weeks ago

axel7083 commented 3 weeks ago

Bug description

When installation a pack of extension I am facing a freeze of the Podman-Desktop application of about 10-20 seconds.

This freeze is propositional to the number of extensions being installed.


Operating system

Windows 11

Installation Method



next (development version)

Steps to reproduce

I tried to profile the extension-installer:install-from-image listener. After filtering, here are the functions with the sum of their execution time.


The top functions during the loading of extensions, are the loadRuntime and activateExtension which are called inside the loadExtension.

Relevant log output

No response

Additional context

A direct consequence is the extensions in a failed state as they took too much time to start. (there is a 10s limit)