containers / podman

Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods.
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Support Azure DevOps resource containers for builds #11265

Closed jamjon3 closed 3 years ago

jamjon3 commented 3 years ago

Is this a BUG REPORT or FEATURE REQUEST? (leave only one on its own line)

/kind bug

Description Azure DevOps on self-hosted agents (RHEL8/Podman) cannot load containers defined in 'resources'.

It fails on this workflow command in the "Initialize Containers" step

/usr/bin/docker info -f "{{range .Plugins.Network}}{{println .}}{{end}}"

This fails because there is no .Plugins.Network in podman info. The same on docker with docker info produces a section that is missing in podman info:

  Volume: local
  Network: bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay
  Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local logentries splunk syslog

I'm using 'podman-docker' to look like 'docker' to the Azure DevOps agent.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Add this section something like the following to azure-pipelines.yml
    - container: win_rm
    endpoint: pods_nexus_registry
  2. Add in the 'jobs' section with a reference to the agent pool and container
      - job: BuildInsideContainer
        displayName: building inside a container
        pool: mypool
        container: win_rm
3. Run the pipeline (include some 'steps' of course). The "**Initialize containers**" step should pull the container and setup the 'steps' to run inside that specified container.

**Describe the results you received:**

Starting: Initialize containers /usr/bin/docker version --format '{{.Server.APIVersion}}' ''3.2.3' Docker daemon API version: ''3.2.3' /usr/bin/docker version --format '{{.Client.APIVersion}}' '3.2.3' Docker client API version: '3.2.3' /usr/bin/docker ps --all --quiet --no-trunc --filter "label=dc4b27" /usr/bin/docker network prune --force --filter "label=dc4b27" /usr/bin/docker login --username "" --password-stdin Login Succeeded! /usr/bin/docker pull Trying to pull Getting image source signatures Copying blob sha256:d0badf5ab1aefb2806b494241481be6171425991987d6023c90074ea9404d6d8 Copying blob sha256:0a0b8f5ff20da9ce383904f041b750faee36dc6a258bc0100e7fcaa5d01b5101 Copying blob sha256:f9aac8178ace131a12b7f8e848ea3a2bb6b65eb6841946cf048588d161df2ff2 Copying blob sha256:fc725350b2637af7c79163bea9e3df54d78712803a01c97fb45333abd34807c0 Copying blob sha256:d251a2e2e8a37b8c79ad94dec69eaa86aeca6498ed8f3979e41005c309ddfa9a Copying blob sha256:1b474f8e669eca50e71598ac473acae7d517247f94cee83b928c03bd53dc2ee0 Copying blob sha256:b77f066bf58c59e5edf0518c85b448a4c6b343b8b4e74c4fee6055a7942b01dd Copying blob sha256:f443915232178bf37943f98091f60d27660b8fc7d29b31d741b92215bb87f930 Copying blob sha256:22a76ff78b8cd21fce32f3fa9e01428c7e94b795d0259564f5fa6eac6c02f163 Copying config sha256:606eda11e92bdc5b0e33f144415e9ff38c38aa12b0215c06fbeb91db85302a3c Writing manifest to image destination Storing signatures 606eda11e92bdc5b0e33f144415e9ff38c38aa12b0215c06fbeb91db85302a3c /usr/bin/docker logout ** Removed login credentials for /usr/bin/docker info -f "{{range .Plugins.Network}}{{println .}}{{end}}" Error: template: info:1:16: executing "info" at <.Plugins.Network>: can't evaluate field Plugins in type define.Info

[error]Exit code 125 returned from process: file name '/usr/bin/docker', arguments 'info -f "{{range .Plugins.Network}}{{println .}}{{end}}"'.

Finishing: Initialize containers

**Describe the results you expected:**

With regular docker, `docker info` works fine:

Login Succeeded /bin/docker pull latest: Pulling from pods-llc/swe/containers/base/devops_winrm_container Digest: sha256:f11bfc11854f07c6f23b10de23fdb483c4b09e42fc7d522006ee8ea5e64cd210 Status: Image is up to date for /bin/docker logout ** Removing login credentials for /bin/docker info -f "{{range .Plugins.Network}}{{println .}}{{end}}" bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay /bin/docker network create --label 9f0d2f vsts_network_bf2a782037e240bbb012f1d5decbb5a6 7eaf4da58f61ff6a995593ed64f1e2b7d349eff90afed21bf86f74f5ba2b18dd /bin/docker inspect --format="{{index .Config.Labels \"\"}}" /bin/docker create --name win_rm_nexus01pdpodscom5443podsllcswecontainersbasedevops_winrm_containerrelease130_f6c662 --label 9f0d2f --network vsts_network_bf2a782037e240bbb012f1d5decbb5a6 -v "/var/run/docker.sock":"/var/run/docker.sock" -v "/usr/local/share/vsts-agent/61":"/__a/61" -v "/usr/local/share/vsts-agent/_temp":"/a/_temp" -v "/usr/local/share/vsts-agent/_tasks":"/a/_tasks" -v "/usr/local/share/vsts-agent/_tool":"/t" -v "/usr/local/share/vsts-agent/externals":"/a/externals":ro -v "/usr/local/share/vsts-agent/.taskkey":"/a/.taskkey" "/a/externals/node/bin/node" -e "setInterval(function(){}, 24 60 60 1000);" 546fef1066d5156b1c7777129bfa3380704661f8a07fbf66e2aa74f99e5c6e32 /bin/docker start 546fef1066d5156b1c7777129bfa3380704661f8a07fbf66e2aa74f99e5c6e32 546fef1066d5156b1c7777129bfa3380704661f8a07fbf66e2aa74f99e5c6e32 /bin/docker ps --all --filter id=546fef1066d5156b1c7777129bfa3380704661f8a07fbf66e2aa74f99e5c6e32 --filter status=running --no-trunc --format "{{.ID}} {{.Status}}" 546fef1066d5156b1c7777129bfa3380704661f8a07fbf66e2aa74f99e5c6e32 Up Less than a second /bin/docker exec 546fef1066d5156b1c7777129bfa3380704661f8a07fbf66e2aa74f99e5c6e32 sh -c "command -v bash" /usr/bin/bash whoami DevOps1 id -u DevOps1 1000 Try to create a user with UID '1000' inside the container. /bin/docker exec 546fef1066d5156b1c7777129bfa3380704661f8a07fbf66e2aa74f99e5c6e32 bash -c "getent passwd 1000 | cut -d: -f1 " /bin/docker exec 546fef1066d5156b1c7777129bfa3380704661f8a07fbf66e2aa74f99e5c6e32 useradd -m -u 1000 DevOps1_azpcontainer Grant user 'DevOps1_azpcontainer' SUDO privilege and allow it run any command without authentication. /bin/docker exec 546fef1066d5156b1c7777129bfa3380704661f8a07fbf66e2aa74f99e5c6e32 groupadd azure_pipelines_sudo /bin/docker exec 546fef1066d5156b1c7777129bfa3380704661f8a07fbf66e2aa74f99e5c6e32 usermod -a -G azure_pipelines_sudo DevOps1_azpcontainer /bin/docker exec 546fef1066d5156b1c7777129bfa3380704661f8a07fbf66e2aa74f99e5c6e32 su -c "echo '%azure_pipelines_sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >> /etc/sudoers" Allow user 'DevOps1_azpcontainer' run any docker command without SUDO. stat -c %g /var/run/docker.sock 992 /bin/docker exec 546fef1066d5156b1c7777129bfa3380704661f8a07fbf66e2aa74f99e5c6e32 bash -c "cat /etc/group" /bin/docker exec 546fef1066d5156b1c7777129bfa3380704661f8a07fbf66e2aa74f99e5c6e32 groupadd -g 992 azure_pipelines_docker /bin/docker exec 546fef1066d5156b1c7777129bfa3380704661f8a07fbf66e2aa74f99e5c6e32 usermod -a -G azure_pipelines_docker DevOps1_azpcontainer Finishing: Initialize containers

**Additional information you deem important (e.g. issue happens only occasionally):**

**Output of `podman version`:**

Version: 3.2.3 API Version: 3.2.3 Go Version: go1.15.7 Built: Tue Jul 27 07:29:39 2021 OS/Arch: linux/amd64

**Output of `podman info --debug`:**

host: arch: amd64 buildahVersion: 1.21.3 cgroupControllers:

Package info (e.g. output of rpm -q podman or apt list podman):


Have you tested with the latest version of Podman and have you checked the Podman Troubleshooting Guide? (

No and yes. I'm using the distribution package for RHEL8 but I have checked the Podman Troubleshooting Guide.

Additional environment details (AWS, VirtualBox, physical, etc.):

VMWare virtual machine

rhatdan commented 3 years ago

@Luap99 PTAL

Luap99 commented 3 years ago

Adding this field should be simple but I am wondering how to query the supported drivers. For log we support journald, k8s-file and none. Network should be bridge and macvlan but I think we should add this to new network Interface at some point. @mheon I assume it is also possible to get a list of configured volume plugins?

flouthoc commented 3 years ago

@Luap99 volume plugins are masked under field driver afaik. Users manually configure plugins usually it defaults to local everywhere.

mheon commented 3 years ago

@Luap99 They're just stored in containers.conf -

The map is name of plugin (what you want) to path of plugin socket - so iterating through and taking all the names should be sufficient.

jamjon3 commented 3 years ago

Thank you all and I'll watch the PR discussion and stay out of the way but I'm still active and watching the conversations.