containers / podman

Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods.
Apache License 2.0
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Podman checkpoint fails on openSUSE #9318

Closed apinter closed 3 years ago

apinter commented 3 years ago

Is this a BUG REPORT or FEATURE REQUEST? (leave only one on its own line)

/kind bug Description I'm trying to export a test container which is running nginx - named test - with podman container checkpoint --keep --leave-running --export=/root/test.tar.gz test but for some reason it fails.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. podman run -d --name test nginx

  2. podman container checkpoint --keep --leave-running --export=./test.tar.gz test

Describe the results you received: It fails with:

ERRO[0000] read unixpacket @->@: EOF                    
Error: `/usr/bin/runc checkpoint --image-path /var/lib/containers/storage/btrfs-containers/c88b0634a239ad7547c2513b644b7b6d199a137012b0d8bbc10b96a1b712c0de/userdata/checkpoint --work-path /var/lib/containers/storage/btrfs-containers/c88b0634a239ad7547c2513b644b7b6d199a137012b0d8bbc10b96a1b712c0de/userdata --leave-running c88b0634a239ad7547c2513b644b7b6d199a137012b0d8bbc10b96a1b712c0de` failed: exit status 1

The container also stops. Describe the results you expected: Expected to create and export a container checkpoint.

Additional information you deem important (e.g. issue happens only occasionally): I'm running Podman on openSUSE MicroOS and Tumbleweed, both show the same error. Output of podman version:

podman version
Version:      2.2.1
API Version:  2.1.0
Go Version:   go1.13.15
Built:        Tue Jan  5 07:00:00 2021
OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

Output of podman info --debug:

  arch: amd64
  buildahVersion: 1.18.0
  cgroupManager: cgroupfs
  cgroupVersion: v1
    package: conmon-2.0.22-1.1.x86_64
    path: /usr/bin/conmon
    version: 'conmon version 2.0.22, commit: unknown'
  cpus: 4
    distribution: '"opensuse-tumbleweed"'
    version: "20210205"
  eventLogger: journald
  hostname: kazeshini
    - container_id: 0
      host_id: 100
      size: 1
    - container_id: 1
      host_id: 100000
      size: 65536
    - container_id: 0
      host_id: 1000
      size: 1
    - container_id: 1
      host_id: 100000
      size: 65536
  kernel: 5.10.12-1-default
  linkmode: dynamic
  memFree: 174084096
  memTotal: 8184606720
    name: runc
    package: runc-1.0.0~rc93-1.1.x86_64
    path: /usr/bin/runc
    version: |-
      runc version 1.0.0-rc93
      commit: 12644e614e25b05da6fd08a38ffa0cfe1903fdec
      spec: 1.0.2-dev
      go: go1.13.15
      libseccomp: 2.5.0
  os: linux
    path: /run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock
  rootless: true
    executable: /usr/bin/slirp4netns
    package: slirp4netns-1.1.8-1.1.x86_64
    version: |-
      slirp4netns version 1.1.8
      commit: unknown
      libslirp: 4.4.0
      libseccomp: 2.5.0
  swapFree: 8224612352
  swapTotal: 8589930496
  uptime: 6h 19m 38.21s (Approximately 0.25 days)
  configFile: /home/apinter/.config/containers/storage.conf
    number: 4
    paused: 0
    running: 1
    stopped: 3
  graphDriverName: overlay
      Executable: /usr/bin/fuse-overlayfs
      Package: fuse-overlayfs-1.1.2-2.1.x86_64
      Version: |-
        fusermount3 version: 3.10.1
        fuse-overlayfs: version 1.1.0
        FUSE library version 3.10.1
        using FUSE kernel interface version 7.31
  graphRoot: /home/apinter/.local/share/containers/storage
    Backing Filesystem: btrfs
    Native Overlay Diff: "false"
    Supports d_type: "true"
    Using metacopy: "false"
    number: 11
  runRoot: /run/user/1000/containers
  volumePath: /home/apinter/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes
  APIVersion: 2.1.0
  Built: 1609804800
  BuiltTime: Tue Jan  5 07:00:00 2021
  GitCommit: ""
  GoVersion: go1.13.15
  OsArch: linux/amd64
  Version: 2.2.1
$ criu -V
Version: 3.15

Package info (e.g. output of rpm -q podman or apt list podman):

# rpm -q podman
# sudo rpm -q criu
# sudo rpm -q runc

Have you tested with the latest version of Podman and have you checked the Podman Troubleshooting Guide?


Additional environment details (AWS, VirtualBox, physical, etc.): Running on physical servers.

vrothberg commented 3 years ago

I cannot reproduce on Fedora 33 with runc nor crun.

@apinter could you retry with using crun?

apinter commented 3 years ago

I cannot reproduce on Fedora 33 with runc nor crun.

@apinter could you retry with using crun?

I could, but it is only available from unofficial repos which I really don't feel like adding to my server. Is there anything I could check/fix with the current criu/runc installed? Should I report a bug on the openSUSE side maybe?

vrothberg commented 3 years ago

I cannot reproduce on Fedora 33 with runc nor crun. @apinter could you retry with using crun?

I could, but it is only available from unofficial repos which I really don't feel like adding to my server. Is there anything I could check/fix with the current criu/runc installed?

Can you you rerun with podman --log-level=debug? A look at journalctl may reveal some more details. Trying crun may help isolate the error source.

Should I report a bug on the openSUSE side maybe?

I suggest to wait a bit. In case we don't find a reproducer, it may be worth opening a bug there.

apinter commented 3 years ago

Can you you rerun with podman --log-level=debug? A look at journalctl may reveal some more details. Trying crun may help isolate the error source.

I did, this is what happened:

# podman container checkpoint --log-level=debug --keep --leave-running --export=./test.tar.gz test
INFO[0000] podman filtering at log level debug          
DEBU[0000] Called checkpoint.PersistentPreRunE(podman container checkpoint --log-level=debug --keep --leave-running --export=./test.tar.gz test) 
DEBU[0000] Reading configuration file "/usr/share/containers/containers.conf" 
DEBU[0000] Merged system config "/usr/share/containers/containers.conf": &{Containers:{Devices:[] Volumes:[] ApparmorProfile:containers-default-0.29.0 Annotations:[] CgroupNS:host Cgroups:enabled DefaultCapabilities:[CAP_AUDIT_WRITE CAP_CHOWN CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE CAP_FOWNER CAP_FSETID CAP_KILL CAP_MKNOD CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE CAP_NET_RAW CAP_SETFCAP CAP_SETGID CAP_SETPCAP CAP_SETUID CAP_SYS_CHROOT] DefaultSysctls:[] DefaultUlimits:[nproc=32768:32768] DefaultMountsFile: DNSServers:[] DNSOptions:[] DNSSearches:[] EnableKeyring:true EnableLabeling:false Env:[PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin TERM=xterm] EnvHost:false HTTPProxy:false Init:false InitPath:/usr/bin/catatonit IPCNS:private LogDriver:k8s-file LogSizeMax:-1 NetNS:bridge NoHosts:false PidsLimit:2048 PidNS:private SeccompProfile:/usr/share/containers/seccomp.json ShmSize:65536k TZ: Umask:0022 UTSNS:private UserNS:host UserNSSize:65536} Engine:{ImageBuildFormat:oci CgroupCheck:false CgroupManager:systemd ConmonEnvVars:[PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin] ConmonPath:[/usr/libexec/podman/conmon /usr/local/libexec/podman/conmon /usr/local/lib/podman/conmon /usr/bin/conmon /usr/sbin/conmon /usr/local/bin/conmon /usr/local/sbin/conmon /run/current-system/sw/bin/conmon] DetachKeys:ctrl-p,ctrl-q EnablePortReservation:true Env:[] EventsLogFilePath:/var/run/libpod/events/events.log EventsLogger:journald HooksDir:[/usr/share/containers/oci/hooks.d] ImageDefaultTransport:docker:// InfraCommand: InitPath:/usr/libexec/podman/catatonit LockType:shm MultiImageArchive:false Namespace: NetworkCmdPath: NoPivotRoot:false NumLocks:2048 OCIRuntime:runc OCIRuntimes:map[crun:[/usr/bin/crun /usr/sbin/crun /usr/local/bin/crun /usr/local/sbin/crun /sbin/crun /bin/crun /run/current-system/sw/bin/crun] kata:[/usr/bin/kata-runtime /usr/sbin/kata-runtime /usr/local/bin/kata-runtime /usr/local/sbin/kata-runtime /sbin/kata-runtime /bin/kata-runtime /usr/bin/kata-qemu /usr/bin/kata-fc] runc:[/usr/bin/runc /usr/sbin/runc /usr/local/bin/runc /usr/local/sbin/runc /sbin/runc /bin/runc /usr/lib/cri-o-runc/sbin/runc /run/current-system/sw/bin/runc]] PullPolicy:missing Remote:false RemoteURI: RemoteIdentity: ActiveService: ServiceDestinations:map[] RuntimePath:[] RuntimeSupportsJSON:[crun runc] RuntimeSupportsNoCgroups:[crun] RuntimeSupportsKVM:[kata kata-runtime kata-qemu kata-fc] SetOptions:{StorageConfigRunRootSet:false StorageConfigGraphRootSet:false StorageConfigGraphDriverNameSet:false StaticDirSet:false VolumePathSet:false TmpDirSet:false} SignaturePolicyPath:/etc/containers/policy.json SDNotify:false StateType:3 StaticDir:/var/lib/containers/storage/libpod StopTimeout:10 TmpDir:/var/run/libpod VolumePath:/var/lib/containers/storage/volumes} Network:{CNIPluginDirs:[/usr/libexec/cni] DefaultNetwork:podman NetworkConfigDir:/etc/cni/net.d/}} 
DEBU[0000] Using conmon: "/usr/bin/conmon"              
DEBU[0000] Initializing boltdb state at /var/lib/containers/storage/libpod/bolt_state.db 
DEBU[0000] Using graph driver btrfs                     
DEBU[0000] Using graph root /var/lib/containers/storage 
DEBU[0000] Using run root /var/run/containers/storage   
DEBU[0000] Using static dir /var/lib/containers/storage/libpod 
DEBU[0000] Using tmp dir /var/run/libpod                
DEBU[0000] Using volume path /var/lib/containers/storage/volumes 
DEBU[0000] Set libpod namespace to ""                   
DEBU[0000] [graphdriver] trying provided driver "btrfs" 
DEBU[0000] Initializing event backend journald          
DEBU[0000] using runtime "/usr/bin/runc"                
WARN[0000] Error initializing configured OCI runtime crun: no valid executable found for OCI runtime crun: invalid argument 
WARN[0000] Error initializing configured OCI runtime kata: no valid executable found for OCI runtime kata: invalid argument 
INFO[0000] Found CNI network podman (type=bridge) at /etc/cni/net.d/87-podman-bridge.conflist 
WARN[0000] Default CNI network name podman is unchangeable 
INFO[0000] Setting parallel job count to 13             
DEBU[0000] Trying to checkpoint container b9e7d06fc4249992f90c4a9822f3a89f54e78a375b12864ed71f600c6bbb528f 
DEBU[0000] Writing checkpoint to /var/lib/containers/storage/btrfs-containers/b9e7d06fc4249992f90c4a9822f3a89f54e78a375b12864ed71f600c6bbb528f/userdata/checkpoint 
DEBU[0000] Writing checkpoint logs to /var/lib/containers/storage/btrfs-containers/b9e7d06fc4249992f90c4a9822f3a89f54e78a375b12864ed71f600c6bbb528f/userdata 
ERRO[0000] read unixpacket @->@: EOF                    
Error: `/usr/bin/runc checkpoint --image-path /var/lib/containers/storage/btrfs-containers/b9e7d06fc4249992f90c4a9822f3a89f54e78a375b12864ed71f600c6bbb528f/userdata/checkpoint --work-path /var/lib/containers/storage/btrfs-containers/b9e7d06fc4249992f90c4a9822f3a89f54e78a375b12864ed71f600c6bbb528f/userdata --leave-running b9e7d06fc4249992f90c4a9822f3a89f54e78a375b12864ed71f600c6bbb528f` failed: exit status 1
vrothberg commented 3 years ago

@adrianreber, do you know what may go wrong?

adrianreber commented 3 years ago

I guess this is because of btrfs.

Sorry, but btrfs is known to be not correctly supported.

Upstream CRIU we do not get many questions about btrfs, so that nobody looked into fixing it so far.

In bugzilla I would close this ticket with cantfix.

If you can please try it with another filesystem.

adrianreber commented 3 years ago

Oh, in the userdata directory there should be a log file from CRIU called dump.log. That would be interesting to see. But I am pretty sure this happens because of btrfs.

apinter commented 3 years ago

Had a feeling that btrfs might be the cause of the issue. Unfortunately CRIU doesn't even create a dump.log to get more information on the issue. Guess I could move the container into a pod and just play it on another server and use btrfs send-receive to send over the volume as well. Considering F33 by default is on btrfs too I'm wondering if it fails there as well.

adrianreber commented 3 years ago

I think only F33 Workstation is using btrfs. Only new installs and only Workstation. If you do an upgrade you will stay on the existing FS. But yes, I also expect more people to complain about it.

apinter commented 3 years ago

Oh, in the userdata directory there should be a log file from CRIU called dump.log. That would be interesting to see. But I am pretty sure this happens because of btrfs.

Done a little test with openSUSE installed on xfs and yes, you're right. The problem is btrfs:

# podman container checkpoint --keep --leave-running --export=./test.tar.gz test
ERRO[0000] container is not destroyed                   
# l
total 348
drwx------  5 root root     87 Feb 17 11:32 ./
drwxr-xr-x 21 root root    244 Feb 17 11:32 ../
-rw-------  1 root root    466 Feb 17 11:29 .bash_history
drwx------  2 root root      6 Mar  7  2020 .gnupg/
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root      6 Mar  7  2020 bin/
drwxr-xr-x  4 root root     48 Feb 17 10:56 inst-sys/
-rw-------  1 root root 351630 Feb 17 11:32 test.tar.gz
# podman container checkpoint --keep --export=./test2.tar.gz test
localhost:~ # l
total 692
drwx------  5 root root    107 Feb 17 11:32 ./
drwxr-xr-x 21 root root    244 Feb 17 11:32 ../
-rw-------  1 root root    466 Feb 17 11:29 .bash_history
drwx------  2 root root      6 Mar  7  2020 .gnupg/
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root      6 Mar  7  2020 bin/
drwxr-xr-x  4 root root     48 Feb 17 10:56 inst-sys/
-rw-------  1 root root 351630 Feb 17 11:32 test.tar.gz
-rw-------  1 root root 351814 Feb 17 11:32 test2.tar.gz

However, migrating a container from an xfs to btrfs system seemingly works as the container loaded, but the log says that it failed :/

$ sudo podman ps                                                                                                                                                      
[sudo] password for root: 
$ sudo podman container restore -i test2.tar.gz                                                                                                                       
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 66e650438339 done  
Copying blob 45b42c59be33 done  
Copying blob 76a3dfe4406b done  
Copying blob d0d9e9ea897e done  
Copying blob 410ff9d97480 done  
Copying config 298ec0e287 done  
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
Error: OCI runtime error: criu failed: type NOTIFY errno 0
log file: /var/lib/containers/storage/btrfs-containers/34cf63cfb9643d79a88cb18b16d12fb82ffcb26c3d77b4ed0c3648a1350e0e70/userdata/restore.log
$ sudo podman ps -a                                                                                                                                                   
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                           COMMAND               CREATED         STATUS   PORTS   NAMES
34cf63cfb964  nginx -g daemon o...  34 seconds ago  Created          test
$ sudo podman start test                                                                                                                                              
$ sudo podman ps -a                                                                                                                                                   
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                           COMMAND               CREATED         STATUS            PORTS   NAMES
34cf63cfb964  nginx -g daemon o...  47 seconds ago  Up 6 seconds ago          test

Considering the length of the log I posted it here

Guess the next question is how to get it to work on btrfs? Wondering if setting noCOW on the container store would be a work around for this or create a new subvolume and make it completely noCOW.

adrianreber commented 3 years ago

The restore did not work. It seems you are hitting an error in the error path. The container should not be in the state created after a failed restore. Using nginx does not really make much sense to migrate as it is stateless. Try something else. I am using the following test container for tests like this:

# podman run -d
# curl `podman inspect -l --format "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}"`:8088
counter: 0
# curl `podman inspect -l --format "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}"`:8088
counter: 1

If you migrate this you can be sure it is a real checkpoint/restore, because the next answer should be 'counter: 2`.

To get it working on btrfs you have to go to upstream CRIU and fix it there. There is nothing Podman can do to fix this.

apinter commented 3 years ago
# podman run -d
# curl `podman inspect -l --format "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}"`:8088
counter: 0
# curl `podman inspect -l --format "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}"`:8088
counter: 1

That is an awesome testing container, thank you. Anyhow, I did set noCOW on /var/lib/container and tried again on btrfs. Exported the container without error, deleted the runtime container and restored it from the export. Setting noCOW solved the issue:

# curl `podman inspect -l --format "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}"`:8088
counter: 6
# curl `podman inspect -l --format "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}"`:8088
counter: 7
# curl `podman inspect -l --format "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}"`:8088
counter: 8
# curl `podman inspect -l --format "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}"`:8088
counter: 9
# curl `podman inspect -l --format "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}"`:8088
counter: 10
# curl `podman inspect -l --format "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}"`:8088
counter: 11
# podman container checkpoint --keep --export=./test11.tar.gz awesome_goldstine 
# podman ps
# podman ps -a
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                               COMMAND  CREATED        STATUS                    PORTS   NAMES
b9027b522b43           4 minutes ago  Exited (0) 4 seconds ago          awesome_goldstine
# podman rm awesome_goldstine 
# l
total 6400
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root       578 Feb 17 15:51 ./
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root       114 Feb 17 15:40 ../
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root         0 May 16  2020 GeoIP/
drwx------ 1 root    root         0 Jun 25  2020 NetworkManager/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root       418 Feb 17 15:41 YaST2/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root       394 Feb 17 15:34 alternatives/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root        10 Feb 17 15:33 apparmor/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root        16 Feb 17 15:35 autoinstall/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root        70 Feb 17 15:31 ca-certificates/
drwxr-x--- 1 chrony  chrony       0 Jun 10  2020 chrony/
drwx------ 1 root    root        30 Feb 17 15:47 cni/
drwx------ 1 root    root        24 Feb 17 15:46 containers/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root        20 Feb 17 15:33 dbus/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root        30 Feb 17 15:34 dhcp/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root        32 Feb 17 15:34 dhcp6/
drwx------ 1 root    root         8 Feb 17 15:40 ebtables/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root         0 Mar  7  2020 empty/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root        36 Feb 17 15:28 hardware/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root         0 Sep 21  2019 lifecycle/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root        38 Feb 17 15:37 misc/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root         0 May 17  2020 net-snmp/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root        56 Feb 17 15:34 nfs/
drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody  root         0 Jun  9  2020 nobody/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root        54 Feb 17 15:40 nscd/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root         0 May 16  2020 os-prober/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root        26 Feb 17 15:35 plymouth/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root         0 May 17  2020 polkit/
drwx------ 1 postfix root        22 Feb 17 15:40 postfix/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root    root        26 Feb 17 15:35 rpm -> ../../usr/lib/sysimage/rpm/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root        68 Feb 17 15:35 samba/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root        22 Feb 17 15:33 smartmontools/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root         0 Jun  9  2020 sshd/
drwx--x--x 1 root    root        20 Feb 17 15:41 sudo/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root       104 Feb 17 15:40 systemd/
-rw------- 1 root    root   2181425 Feb 17 15:49 test.tar.gz
-rw------- 1 root    root   2181134 Feb 17 15:51 test11.tar.gz
-rw------- 1 root    root   2181397 Feb 17 15:50 test2.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root         0 May 17  2020 usb_modeswitch/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root         0 Jun  6  2020 vmware/
drwxr-x--- 1 root    root        80 Feb 17 15:50 wicked/
drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root       136 Feb 17 15:43 zypp/
# podman container restore -i test11.tar.gz 
# curl `podman inspect -l --format "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}"`:8088
counter: 12

Thanks for your help and guidance, appreciated!

adrianreber commented 3 years ago

Nice. Just once more, for me, setting noCOW on the storage backend directory enables you to checkpoint and restore containers on btrfs?

apinter commented 3 years ago

Yap, all it takes is chattr +C /var/lib/containers and following that I see two options: either leave it with noCOW or set it back to COW with chattr -C /var/lib/containers (although I did not test if setting it back to COW would cause any issue, but it seems unlikely). Until criu is ready for btrfs I think this is a good enough solution ^_^

adrianreber commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the details. I added it to CRIU's wiki:

If this works for you I would say you could close this issue.

apinter commented 3 years ago

Super! Thank you again for your help!