containers / udica

This repository contains a tool for generating SELinux security profiles for containers
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Deploy udica policies, using ansible #23

Closed wrabcak closed 5 years ago

wrabcak commented 5 years ago

Deploy udica policies, using ansible

This feature adding paramater to udica, which generate ansible playbook for deploying SELinux policies and loading them to the system.

To generate also ansble playbook, '--ansible' or '-d' paramaters could be used. Then, inventory file with ansible managed nodes needs to be provided to ansible play.


# podman inspect -l | udica mycon --ansible

# ls
mycon-policy.tar.gz deploy-module.yml variables-deploy-module.yml

# cat deploy-module.yml
- hosts: all
   - name: Include variables from generated file
        file: variables-deploy-module.yml

   - name: Ensure that all SELinux packages are installed
       name: "{{ item }}"
       state: present
     - container-selinux
     - policycoreutils
     - libselinux-utils

   - name: Copy SELinux policy generated by the udica
       src: "{{ archive }}"
       dest: /var/lib/udica/policy/

   - name: Extract SELinux policy templates on nodes
       src: "{{ archive }}"
       dest: /var/lib/udica/policy/

   - name: Load SELinux policy templates
     when: ansible_selinux['status'] == "enabled"
     shell: semodule -i  {{ policy }}
       chdir: /var/lib/udica/policy/

   - name: Verify that SELinux policy generated by the udica is loaded
     when: ansible_selinux['status'] == "enabled"
     shell: semodule -lfull | grep "{{ final_policy }}"
     register: diff_cmd
     failed_when: diff_cmd.rc == "1"
     changed_when: false

# cat variables-deploy-module.yml
archive: mycon-policy.tar.gz
policy: mycon.cil base_container.cil net_container.cil home_container.cil
 final_policy: mycon.cil