containous / traefik-extra-service-fabric

Traefik extra: Service Fabric Provider
Apache License 2.0
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Traefik version 1.6.0-rc2 seems to be using service fabric provider 1.1.1 and not 1.1.0 #25

Closed AviMualem closed 6 years ago

AviMualem commented 6 years ago

Recently i tried traefik version 1.6.0-rc2. it looks like its supposed to use the 1.1.0 service fabric provider (according to the 1.6.0-rc1 release notes, issue can be fount at

Im using custom template, and im basing it upon the default template in this repository. as a starting point i took the template just like its in version 1.1.0 and bootstrap logs have the following message:

" level=error msg="Provider connection error: template: config.toml.tmpl:118: function \"getWhitelistSourceRange\" not defined; retrying in 687.177172ms""

when I'm working with custom template and just coping the template of the 1.1.1 version everything works okay.

In addition its clear to see that between 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 the getWhitelistSourceRange method was replaced with getWhiteList (changes can be viewed at servicefabric_config.go file)

Currently its really hard to understand which sf provider version is actually integrated in a given traefik release.

I observed the Traefik repository and it seems like all the other providers source code is managed in the same repo as traefik. if the provider is separated its still vital to know which version of it is embedded to the current traefik release.

ldez commented 6 years ago

We will do that better the next time.