contao-components / swipe

JavaScript touch slider with additional dot menu
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Bugfix: Multiple timeouts triggered on global css changes #5

Closed bohnmedia closed 5 years ago

bohnmedia commented 5 years ago

I am building a website with functions for better accessibility. One of these functions changes the global font-size. I noticed, that this also shortened the delay of the slider interval dramaticly.

You can reproduce the issue on the contao demopage. Add another font-size to the body-tag with developer tools. Removing and adding it several times increases this effect.


The problem is, that global changes on the webpage can cause an additional transition inside the slider. Every "transitionEnd"-Event calls the function "begin" which starts a new timeout.

The begin function got modified to make sure, that a timeout never get triggered multiple times.

leofeyer commented 5 years ago

Thank you @bohnmedia.

leofeyer commented 5 years ago

I have released version 2.1.2.