contao-themes-net / odd-theme-bundle

odd theme bundle for contao cms
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Adapt own Icons for Top-Navigation and fixing it #7

Closed mr2017x closed 4 years ago

mr2017x commented 4 years ago

Good Evening,

i am on adapting your odd-theme for a friend of mine. now we need one additive icon from "not fontawesome" source and a special sign into top-top-navigation, is there any preparation for this or how can i put it in nearly as easy as i can do it with fontawesome classes?

furthermore, how can i fix top-navigation from getting hidden after several level of down-scrolling?

Thanks in advance and thanks for your themes! :-)

MDevster commented 4 years ago

You can add a new font via __customvariables.scss. See german docs for more details:

The top navigation getting hidden by headroom js. You can remove javascript by overwirting the original fe_bootstrap_odd template in line 68 with

// $combiner->add('bundles/pdirthemeodd/js/headroom.min.js');

mr2017x commented 4 years ago

Hi @MDevster ,

thank you very much i'll give it a try. But first question was not regarding to fonts but to "foreign"/"own" icons, e.g png. How can i place them properly in that top-top-navigation (right beneath facebook).

Thanks in advance

mr2017x commented 4 years ago

Hi @MDevster ,

sadly if i comment headroom out by // it doesn't show <> on sliders but pre and back, if remove the comment // it is all fine.