contao / core-bundle

[READ-ONLY] Contao Core Bundle
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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4.x: Unicode does not work properly in the links #1502

Closed jankout closed 6 years ago

jankout commented 6 years ago

The unicode for í does not work properly in the links. Seeěti-z-dětského-domova-ve-setřekově-v-úst%C3%AD-nad-labem-na-návštěvě

fritzmg commented 6 years ago

Looks fine to me? What exactly is the problem?


jankout commented 6 years ago

in the link it does not work.

fritzmg commented 6 years ago

My screenshot is from the link your provided ;). í is properly delivered in the output.

ausi commented 6 years ago

@jankout Do you meant the “í” is not displayed in the address bar of Safari?


jankout commented 6 years ago

yes, exactly.

fritzmg commented 6 years ago

That's a problem of Safari then. This is the fully encoded URL that Contao actually generates:

<a href="cs/projekt/d%C4%9Bti-z-d%C4%9Btsk%C3%A9ho-domova-ve-set%C5%99ekov%C4%9B-v-%C3%BAst%C3%AD-nad-labem-na-n%C3%A1v%C5%A1t%C4%9Bv%C4%9B" title="Děti z dětského domova ve Setřekově v Ústí nad Labem na návštěvě (21.04.2018–22.04.2018)">Děti z dětského domova ve Setřekově v Ústí nad Labem na návštěvě</a>

Contao cannot control how the browser displays this URL in its address bar.