contao / core-bundle

[READ-ONLY] Contao Core Bundle
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
122 stars 57 forks source link

Add github topics to contao repositories #853

Closed DanielSchwiperich closed 7 years ago

DanielSchwiperich commented 7 years ago

In January github topics were introduced. This helps to find similar repositories. For example to find all contao modules available on github.

symfony symfony the symfony php framework

Contao repositories itself should support it, and also give recommendations for extension developers which tags should be used.

For example there are already some using contao-bundle, some contao-module and others using contao-extension. This is not good and should be more homogen.

Edit: Picture added

leofeyer commented 7 years ago

Both contao-bundle and contao-module are valid Composer types and therefore valid GitHub topics (see contao-mailchimp and contao-xing-bundle for example). They should not be mixed up.

leofeyer commented 7 years ago

Here's what I would suggest:

Contao core contao cms php symfony symfony-bundle

Contao 4 bundles contao cms php symfony contao-bundle + specific tags

Contao modules contao cms php contao-module + specific tags

Specific tags are tags that describe the purpose of the package such as calendar events for the Contao calendar bundle or isotope ecommerce shop for Isotope.

leofeyer commented 7 years ago

I have added topics to all Contao packages.

discordier commented 7 years ago

Would maybe make sense to add some guideline to the docs for extension developers?

leofeyer commented 7 years ago

To which docs?

DanielSchwiperich commented 7 years ago

Could be put here:

But if all the contao bundles follow the same schema than an extension developer should imho easily understand how it's intended