contao / installation-bundle

[READ-ONLY] Contao Installation Bundle
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
8 stars 9 forks source link

Installation 4.4.0 #56

Closed fkaminski-dev closed 7 years ago

fkaminski-dev commented 7 years ago

Wenn ich versuche über das Download Archiv (.zip) die Version 4.4.0 zu installieren erhalte ich folgenden Fehler in der log Datei (Die Lizenzabfrage erscheint und dann ist Ende):

[2017-06-17 17:23:00] app.CRITICAL: An exception occurred. {"exception":"[object] (Doctrine\\DBAL\\Exception\\ConnectionException(co de: 0): An exception occurred while executing 'SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE Table_type = 'BASE TABLE'':\n\nSQLSTATE[3D000]: Invalid catalog name: 1046 No database selected at C:\\__WEBDEV__SITES__\\contao4\\htdocs\\vendor\\do ctrine\\dbal\\lib\\Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\Abstrac tMySQLDriver.php:103, Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDOException(code: 3D000): SQLSTATE[3D000]: Invalid catalog name: 1046 No database selected at C:\\__WEBDEV__SITES__\\contao4\\htdocs\\vendor\\do ctrine\\dbal\\lib\\Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDOConn ection.php:106, PDOException(code: 3D000): SQLSTATE[3D000]: Invalid catalog name: 1046 No database selected at C:\\__WEBDEV__SITES__\\contao4\\htdocs\\vendor\\do ctrine\\dbal\\lib\\Doctrine\\DBAL\\Driver\\PDOConn ection.php:104)"} [] [2017-06-17 17:23:00] app.CRITICAL: An exception occurred. {"exception":"[object] (Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\InternalServerErro rHttpException(code: 0): The installation has not been completed. Open the Contao install tool to continue. at C:\\__WEBDEV__SITES__\\contao4\\htdocs\\vendor\\co ntao\\core-bundle\\src\\EventListener\\ExceptionConverterList ener.php:109, Contao\\CoreBundle\\Exception\\IncompleteInstallat ionException(code: 0): The installation has not been completed. Open the Contao install tool to continue. at C:\\__WEBDEV__SITES__\\contao4\\htdocs\\vendor\\co ntao\\core-bundle\\src\\Framework\\ContaoFramework.php:389)"} []

Diese erhalte ich unter windows/xampp (php 5.6) o. über eine Diskstation/nas (wahlweise php 5.6/7.0 / Apache o. nginx). Die Versio 4.3.11 kann ich auf beiden Systemen installieren.

Nachtrag: Windows7 / xampp php cgi 5.6 / php cli 5.6.11 Diskstation GNU/Liunx / php cgi 5.6 o. 7.0 / php cli 5.6.11

Gleiche Meldung erhalte ich nach der Lizenzabfrage der Installation wenn ich auf windows über den php composer gehe oder auf der Diskstation über den contao-manager ...

(Ausgerechnet beim Test über 1und1 läuft die Installation (.zip archiv) aber durch ...)


fritzmg commented 7 years ago

Other users on the forum have reported the same problem.

joke1 commented 7 years ago

Falls es hilft: $this->connection->isConnected() in der Funktion canRunDbQuery in \vendor\contao\core-bundle\src\Cors\WebsiteRootsConfigProvider.php gibt an dieser Stelle bereits true zurück.

In der Debug-Bar wurde mir auch ein Database Query angezeigt, obwohl Contao keine Verbindungs-Daten vorliegen.

Ich habe es nun umgehen können, indem ich im xampp Panel den Mysql Server gestoppt habe. Nachdem ich dann die DB-Daten speichern konnte, habe ich ihn wieder gestartet und es läuft.

fritzmg commented 7 years ago

@fkaminski-dev: which Browser did you use?

fkaminski-dev commented 7 years ago

Chrome hauptsächlich (aber auch mit Firefox o. IE11 probiert) ...

Nachtrag: Firefox stimmte nicht ... Versuche ich gerade - Scheint mit Firefox zu gehen ... Melde mich dann nochmals ...

fkaminski-dev commented 7 years ago

Also die Installation über das .zip Archiv o. php composer mit Firefox Browser unter Windows geht. Gleiches mit Chrome Browser geht nicht (s.o). Allerdings kann ich im Anschluß mit dem Chrome Browser ins Backend.

Die Installation über das .zip Archiv mit Firefox Browser auf der Synology Diskstation geht. Mit Chrome Browser nicht (s.o.). Installation über den Contao Manager bricht nach Downloads ab:

console.ERROR: Command "tenside:runtask c53dd1ef79686f5689452c0d5427a736 -v --no-interaction" exited with code "1" {"command":"tenside:runtask c53dd1ef79686f5689452c0d5427a736 -v --no-interaction","code":1} []

joke1 commented 7 years ago

Kann ich bestätigen (zip/win10/xampp). Im Firefox & Edge funktioniert es - im Chrome nicht.

fritzmg commented 7 years ago

The cause of the problem is the same as, basically.

Specifically this code: WebsiteRootsConfigProvider.php#L44

As mentioned here the mere presence of an Origin header does not necessarily indicate that the request is a CORS request. See also nelmio/NelmioCorsBundle/EventListener/CorsListener.php#L68 - there a request is only considered a CORS request, if the Origin header is present and the value of the Origin header is different from the current request's scheme and host.

Thus the installation only fails in some browsers, like Chrome, since those browsers set the Origin header when sending POST data.

Full stack trace for reference:

An exception occurred while executing 'SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE Table_type = 'BASE TABLE'':

SQLSTATE[3D000]: Invalid catalog name: 1046 No database selected

  at vendor\doctrine\dbal\lib\Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\AbstractMySQLDriver.php:103
  at Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\AbstractMySQLDriver->convertException('An exception occurred while executing \'SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE Table_type = \'BASE TABLE\'\':SQLSTATE[3D000]: Invalid catalog name: 1046 No database selected', object(PDOException))
  at Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException::driverExceptionDuringQuery(object(Driver), object(PDOException), 'SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE Table_type = \'BASE TABLE\'', array())
  at Doctrine\DBAL\Connection->executeQuery('SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE Table_type = \'BASE TABLE\'', array(), array())
  at Doctrine\DBAL\Connection->fetchAll('SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE Table_type = \'BASE TABLE\'')
  at Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\AbstractSchemaManager->listTableNames()
  at Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\AbstractSchemaManager->tablesExist(array('tl_page'))
  at Contao\CoreBundle\Cors\WebsiteRootsConfigProvider->canRunDbQuery()
  at Contao\CoreBundle\Cors\WebsiteRootsConfigProvider->getOptions(object(Request))
  at Nelmio\CorsBundle\Options\Resolver->getOptions(object(Request))
  at Nelmio\CorsBundle\EventListener\CorsListener->onKernelRequest(object(GetResponseEvent), 'kernel.request', object(TraceableEventDispatcher))
  at call_user_func(array(object(CorsListener), 'onKernelRequest'), object(GetResponseEvent), 'kernel.request', object(TraceableEventDispatcher))
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener->__invoke(object(GetResponseEvent), 'kernel.request', object(ContainerAwareEventDispatcher))
  at call_user_func(object(WrappedListener), object(GetResponseEvent), 'kernel.request', object(ContainerAwareEventDispatcher))
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->doDispatch(array(object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener), object(WrappedListener)), 'kernel.request', object(GetResponseEvent))
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher->dispatch('kernel.request', object(GetResponseEvent))
  at Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher->dispatch('kernel.request', object(GetResponseEvent))
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handleRaw(object(Request), 1)
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel->handle(object(Request), 1, true)
  at Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel->handle(object(Request))

/cc @Toflar

fritzmg commented 7 years ago

Just to mention it here as well: this problem only occurs under the following circumstances:

leofeyer commented 7 years ago

See (thank you @fritzmg).