contao / managed-edition

Contao Managed Edition
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Consider running security checker on update/installs #44

Closed m-vo closed 4 years ago

m-vo commented 5 years ago

What about running the security checker when installing/updating composer packages? This would then behave a bit like roave/security-advisories (without blocking of course) and users won't forget to do so.

(I'm using symfony security:check from the symfony binary but this might be a good default nevertheless.)


"scripts": {
    "post-install-cmd": [
        "security-checker security:check"
    "post-update-cmd": [
        "security-checker security:check"

(Note: with sensiolabs/security-checker currently being a dev dependency this would trigger an error with --no-dev.)

fritzmg commented 5 years ago

(Note: with sensiolabs/security-checker currently being a dev dependency this would trigger an error with --no-dev.)

Which is why it cannot be a composer script, can it? When you deploy this on the live system, you'll do a composer install with --no-dev.

m-vo commented 5 years ago

It could maybe be solved with a script that wraps execution or returns 0 if the target does not exist. Or by moving from dev deps.

leofeyer commented 4 years ago